
Sri Lankan Prime Minister Faces Backlash Amidst Flood Crisis in Puwakpitiya (Video)

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -03.June.2024, 10.30 PM) Puwakpitiya, Avissawella - In the wake of devastating floods that have ravaged the region, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardhana faced severe criticism from distressed residents in his local constituency. The victims, desperate for relief and basic necessities, confronted the Prime Minister demanding immediate assistance. However, their pleas were met with apparent indifference as Gunawardhana remained inside his vehicle and reportedly dismissed their concerns by stating, "If you don't have bread to eat, eat cake."

The Prime Minister's visit, which many hoped would bring solace and support, turned into a spectacle of frustration and disillusionment. Residents expressed outrage at Gunawardhana's lack of empathy and tangible support. The floods have left countless families in dire conditions, struggling for basic supplies like food and clean water. The local Buddhist temple, maintained by female monks and a cornerstone of the community, suffered extensive damage. Despite this, Gunawardhana ignored requests from the monks and community members to visit the temple and assess the damage firsthand.

Adding to the public's discontent, the Prime Minister failed to call for emergency assistance, further alienating the flood victims. His brief appearance seemed more focused on media coverage than addressing the urgent needs of his constituents. "It was nothing but a media show," remarked one frustrated resident. "Our Prime Minister is more interested in showing off for the cameras than helping those in need."

This incident has amplified criticism of the government’s priorities. While millions of ordinary Sri Lankans struggle with the aftermath of the floods, the Prime Minister recently approved duty-free vehicles for the 225 parliamentarians. Such decisions have fueled public anger, especially as reports emerged that 52 family members of current government MPs have been appointed to diplomatic positions without proper qualifications.

The handling of the flood crisis in Puwakpitiya has highlighted deeper issues within the Sri Lankan government's response to natural disasters and its disconnect from the plight of everyday citizens. As the affected communities continue to grapple with their losses, calls for accountability and effective leadership grow louder.

-By A Staff Writer

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