(Lanka-e-News - 27.Nov.2015, 11.00 PM) President Maithripala Sirisena in order to rescue his millionaire younger brother was profusely lying come what may after arriving at the ‘display’ box of Kili Maharaja’s.. Answering the question posed by Upul Shantha Sannasgala , the president said ,his brother as SLT chairman is not drawing one cent more than the salary of his predecessor.
This is an absolute lie. The first truth is Kumarasinghe’s predecessor Nimal Welgama did not collect any salary when he was the SLT chairman. In that case Kumarasinghe Sirisena should be not receiving any salary as SLT chairman , if the president is not lying.
The other shameless lies of Maithripala Sirisena are as follows :
Kumarasinghe Sirisena whom the president is trying to defend most desperately was receiving a monthly salary of Rs.400,000.00. Governed by the family overriding rapacious traits , being not satisfied with it , Kumarasinghe submitted a paper to the Board of Directors to increase his salary three fold. This request is depicted herein. (please read the yellow highlighted section of the third letter).Based on Kumarasinghe’s request , one Institution had agreed to raise the salary to Rs. one million
The fourth letter :
Kumarasinghe Sirisena is the chairman of SLT and 9 affiliated Institutions. Accordingly , if he is to draw a salary of Rs. 1 million from one institution , his total salary is Rs. 9 million !
Surely these are not funds brought from Polonnaruwa by Sirisenas. These are public funds out and out.
It is a pity that the president in his desperation to rescue and defend his younger brother is blindly pushing himself to the edge , oblivious of his onerous public duties while lying most shamelessly using not only his mouth but every orifice in his body.
by (2015-11-27 20:54:49)
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