(Lanka-e-News -09.July.2015, 11.00PM) It is Tissa Attanayake who occupies the Number one position in the name list of Maithripala’s national list of MPs, according to unofficial sources. Lest Maithri has forgotten , it is this Attanayake who after betraying the UNP during the presidential elections smoersaulted to the Mahinda Rajapakse camp which was determined to defeat Maithripala and bury him with his family six feet underground , In other words Attanayake was the number one enemy of Maithripala . Attanayake even went to the extent of preparing a fake agreement between UNP and the LTTE ( for which he was incarcerated ) to defeat Maithripala.
It is also learnt in Maithripala’s list of nominations ,a majority are pro Mahinda most corrupt candidates. It is a pity that the most honest group of SLFP have not obtained nominations, for instance in Galle district , 11 of the 13 candidates are the pro MaRa corrupt scoundrels.
It is Maithripala who by now has become most notorious for his pliant forked tongue , loudly and proudly claimed that he is following Bandaranaike policies and will steer them forward , in his characteristic hypocritical and double dealing style has axed Keerthi Mawella a most reputed politician and a private secretary of late Sirimavo Bandaranaike, and nominated Geetha Kumarasinghe , a half penny two penny politician cum wizened old actress who was defeated even in the provincial council elections.
Similarly in the nomination list of Matara , of the 11 candidates , only one is pro Maithripala . All others are pro MaRa corrupt scoundrels.
In Hambantota too , of the ten candidates , only one is pro Miathripala , and that is Mahinda Amaraweera , while all others are pro MaRa corrupt scoundrels.
In Kalutara ,except Rajitha (if Rajitha is seeking elections) , all others are pro MaRa crooks.
In the end , Maithripala who maligned and condemned others as slaves finally became a condemned slave of the Medamulana slaves . Obviously, the genuine SLFP ers are therefore in a state of rude shock over the egregious opportunistic and hypocritical conduct of Mathripala to whom however double crossing and betraying are as simple as a duck taking to water.
by (2015-07-09 20:04:35)
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There STILL REMAINS ONE way to defeat the Rajapakse Counter-Revolution. AND THAT IS BY ENSURING THAT THE UNP WINS THE GENERAL ELECTIONS OF 17 AUGUST 2015 WITH THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE NUMBER OF VOTES. All democratic forces which played a role in the victory of President Sirisena - including Ven Sobitha, President CBK, Civil Society groups, Dr. Vik Karunaratne, JVP, progressive Trade Unions, etc etc - must mobilize from NOW itself. If the JVP is able to win any seats then they can bea part of a UNP led coalition. Or at least sit as Independents.
It is not about "becoming" UNPers. THIS IS NOW THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THE COUNTER-REVOLUTION FROM gaining Victory.
-- by Hiran Perera on 2015-07-10
I'm almost certain that MS is playing double agent.
-- by Ravi on 2015-07-10