The Doctors of the GOMA , Paramedical and the technical staff who stuck work of the 17th inst.
(Lanka-e-News -19.March.2025, 11.20 PM) We regret that we cannot address you as “Professional Gentleman” as we do not see that you still hold that ‘ eligibility “to be addressed in this manner .
At the end of the last month we saw a young man riding from Colombo to Sri Pada fully naked and was stopped just before he reached his destination .It was a widely spoken subject for a day or two and became a stale story thereafter. It was told that he did so for thrill, and to enjoy his full freedom . But surely he was a seriously “mentally sick” person. It was also revealed that his Mother was a doctor (strange co-incident) and the father was a businessman which gives an indication he comes from economically affluent family, and does not understand the life’s “reality” .
For us, it was not a “ mere strange incident “ but a timely coincident that showed how in our society you the “so called professional supposed be the guardians of “ethical Conduct “ stood naked before the whole Country .We take the case of the doctors and para medicals of the GMOA and the technical carders who stuck work on the 17th inst and in the recent past. You especially the doctors had taken Hippocratic Oath, which emphasizes dedication to patient care, ethical conduct, and the preservation of life, while also respecting the dignity and confidentiality of patients and are in a profession where the highest form of ethical conduct is expected . Earlier you decided to stuck work without giving any notice to the Government for reasons that a few of the monitory privileges have been withdrawn . In the trade union field the ethical conduct is that the strike action is undertaken by any trade union after failing in all negotiations with the Employer. Violating all the ethical norms you kept the lives of hundreds and thousands of poor patients to ransom when you took strike action but for reasons only known to you postponed same for 21st . Is this not “ethical nudity ? Almost immediately after the press conference you went and met Ranail Wickaramsgine and has supposed have invited him to politics again as an “Experienced“ politician. You are right as at now he is branded as nude “experienced killer” , and on the next day you hurriedly appeared before the press denying that you did not invite Ranil Wickremesinghe back to policies once again pathetically exhibiting your nudity.
Then came the incident of the sexual abuse of a lady doctor in the Anuradapura hospital. Without giving any time to the law enforcing authority you gave an ultimatum to them to apprehend the offender before 8 am the next day and did a lightening strike. What ethical conduct is this? However fortunately, the man was apprehended the next day and unexpectedly made you stand naked before the public. But to cover your nudity you said you extend the strike to monitor the progress of investigation, and showed great concern about the safety of the lady doctors and other female staff working in the hospital .
But strangely again we did not see any ladies in your executive committee where you took the original decision to strike . (Television footage)
Since you all have lost all decency in your “ethical behavior” you need to be reminded the many occations you stood shamelessly naked. You had a “Director of Hospital” whom you yourself claim is not qualified and had been there 10 years and mismanaged the hospital which led to this particular incident. Is it ethical for you to have slept over the matter for 10 years even after the new Government came without taking action or going for Strike action to remove him, you suddenly wake up and blame the Government. Not only that , trying to cover your nudity you kept silent about this matter till another trade union exposed this matter. You were so “furious and concerned about the safety of the female doctors and staff while forgetting the fact that your doctor colleague Dr Indika Sudharsana Balage was found guilty of raping and killing the young woman, a garment factory worker, at the hospital in the town of Negombo in 2007 and was sentenced to death .What did you do at that time. ? Did your union apologize to the public for the disgraceful unethical conduct of your colleague?. You all are like the king who stood naked and asked his ministers as to how beautiful was his dress ? You all forgot that your one time Chairman “deniya” or really “Pathada” one of the so called “expert advisor who gave advise to the then president Gothabaya to band chemical fertilizer and not only killed the Agriculture and economy of the of the Country and deprived the livelihood of thousands and thousands of people effect of which is still felt” .How are you going to compensate for this loss which in a way has a direct and indirect economic impact on you present claim ?
Our country is just like a patient who had come out of the “intensive care unit “and put to a normal ward .Is it ethical to ask him getup and run a marathon race ? As a country we have just come out of “bankruptcy” and trying to move forward keeping every step very carefully to ensure that we do not mess up again. Only the so called professionals like you can heartlessly strike just for a petty demand without giving notice to the Government and keeping the lives of the patients to ransom. Certainly your “ethical” conduct is incomparable to the conduct of the fuel distributors who gave up their strike action the next day and even went to the extent of asking pardon from the public .But your behavior and “ethical conduct “ has slipped under your knees exposing your nakedness. You have already threatened to go on strike on the 21 instant, as if you all are going to die the next day if your demands were not met.
Following your “exemplary example” the technical officers stuck work yesterday. Strangely again there was a co incident .Ravi Kumudesh the so called Convener on behalf of the medical technical staff said after the discussion with the Health authorities “that the relief they got after the discussion is not sufficient enough to cover the delegate parts of the body “ unwittingly exposing his and his colleague’s nudity ,and the other stooge of Ranil Wickramasinghe from Kesbewa who was stripped naked at a recent interview with a television channel for total misuse of state resources leads the strike claiming the “rights” of workers conveniently forgetting his nudity, what else you call this other than total “nudity”
The “naked youth” had to be dressed decently before he was taken before the magistrate. Make sure you have your pants intact before holding a press conference to announce your next strike and go for discussion with the Minster.
At this time of writing we are hearing of the news that Sumita Willams and her colleague who had done unimaginable service to their country and whole human race while being in the grip of ‘sure death “being brough back to the earth, while you are all “fighting a bankrupt country for few rupees and exposing your nudity to the country and whole world.
Hats off to those doctors , paramedical and technical officers who did not join or support the strike actions and expressed their patriotism beyond petty privileges. The whole nation salutes them for not bowing down to pressure from the political motivated stooges .
These are angry reflections and expressions of the sentiments of not only the poor patients but the people of whole country . We still trust that you reelect your actions as professionals “ and be decently dressed ( return the high quality ethical practices ) ready to be produced before the Magistrate (the National and international Community) and we love to see as “true Gendelman professionals’ and healers of unclean Sri lanka and reform it to a “clean sri Lanka”.
Michael Joachim
by (2025-03-19 17:53:53)
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