
We want Gentelman professionals to support a "clean sri Lanka" - An Open Letter to the Doctors and Para Medicals

-By Michael Joachim

(Lanka-e-News -04.March.2025, 10.30 PM) The medias tell us that you are preparing to go on strike on the 5th March  giving the Government just 24 hours to  decide on your demand while putting lives of poor people at risk. Is it such an urgent issue ?   Taking decision to engage in a strike” in any employment field is considered as the last resort after all negotiations with the employers fail. This is the ethical practice.  You ,honorable gentlemen does not work with an industry or trade like the “Fuel distributors “ who did the same thing,  but with human lives and that too with poor fellow citizens- patients  who cannot afford to resort to any private  medical assistance and also treat you as “living Gods”.    

It is appropriate to remind you all how much “rot are our social norms and values and how much our so-called ethical values are eroded in our country.

In the recent times we had been hearing exposures in parliament about how unimaginable amounts of compensations and other unethical payments have been received by large number of   Members of Parliaments, Ministers,  Presidents especially at a time our country was bankrupt and people  dying without food and medicine not having  any concern for the Country or the people.    I want to specially bring to your notice about the  former  Minister of Health entrusted with the lives of the people committing heinous crimes by bringing fake medicine that caused death and untellable miseries to thousands of people.    Having seen and  heard all this we did not see  “furious  angry responses” to these most inhuman, heinous crimes     being expressed by public  or by the religious , social leaders and  the so called  professional like you.

Why ? Because we have  became so used to passively tolerate the heinous crimes against humanity. The most heinous crimes, like corruption, nepotism ,and waste did  not make us  angry and furious  as these crimes  have  engulfed the whole society , has become the inherent culture in our Governance system and even accepted in our day today life style  . Only because of the tireless efforts of the Civil activists this culprit minister and other allies  some of them belonging to your “profession” were put behind bars. We take this opportunity to Salute these brave social activisits on behave of the Nation.   
Where do we go from here? Have we all decided to go  forward with the most corrupt system which  if allowed to continue is going to take the country  to total ruination.

Please think of the Clean Sri Lanka concept?

Having all of us  consciously and unconsciously allowed our country to sunk to  such low levels,  as  noble professionals  do you not realize that you have a duty to put these things right and gradually take this country   towards a refined live style. ? Should we not give time to this Government to engage in its attempts to refine the whole systems which is an extremely difficult uphill task. You, gentlemen can see how the interested parties are doing their best to upset all the efforts of the present Government and revert back to the old, rotten governance systems. Please understand you are consciously or unconsciously   supporting them. Your claims may be genuine we do not deny, but why not as responsible citizens handle the issue  as patriotic gentlemen?           

I only want to bring to your notice the first principle in the Clean Sri Lanka Concept

Good governance and sustainability  
Foster ethical practices, zero tolerance for corruption, public accountability, and reward excellence.

Now  a simple analysis of the  basic concepts of Clean Sri Lanka we will make us realize  that a conducive environment  is being created  to change our attitudes , mentality  and  our life style and follow ethical practices in all our dealings.  

Do you want this system to continue? or Do you want  a better country for you and for  your children? Be reminded of your professional “oath” you took .

May be at this time this article appears in the media after you may  have already  taken some decisions but hope this will have some influence in your future decisions, and also other professional who may be  having issues to settle.

-Michael Joachim

Executive Director
Plantation Rural Education and Development organization (PREDO) 

by     (2025-03-04 17:23:09)

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