
"The Truth is Coming to Light"

(Excerpt from Ravi Siriwardana's Page)

(Lanka-e-News -20.Feb.2025, 11.10 PM) What exactly is happening? What is about to unfold?

Lawyers entering the court are not subjected to thorough checks. That’s how the assassin slipped through.

The truly terrifying aspect of this is that a criminal could enter the court disguised as a police officer as well.

It’s clear that the underworld is in turmoil—and so are the politicians connected to them.

If we think about why this is happening, we can begin to understand what the government is currently doing.

The End of Political Protection for the Underworld?

In recent times, we’ve seen how the police have been manipulated by political influence. This meant that the underworld had state protection. There's no need to explain that all major underworld figures had political backing. But now, they have lost that protection.

This is one of the reasons for the current panic.

We are witnessing fugitive criminals being brought back to Sri Lanka on a daily basis. Some politicians are scared because these criminals hold evidence against them. That’s why they are anxious.

In the past week alone, we’ve seen police transfers, promotions, and arrests.

The underworld knows exactly why these measures are being taken.

Cracking Down on Underworld-Backed Politicians

Politicians who once sheltered and pampered criminals, like the ones linked to the Julampitiya Amare case, are now facing lawsuits.

Old criminal cases that were previously covered up are being reopened. Investigations into major cases have resumed.

Under Gotabaya Rajapaksa's government, experienced investigators in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) were transferred as a form of punishment. Now, they are being reinstated to lead these investigations.

A new head has been appointed to the Bribery Commission, and long-stalled corruption complaints are being pursued. These cases can no longer be stopped.

The government wants these investigations to be carried out properly. However, they also don’t want rushed investigations that result in cases being dismissed due to technicalities—because ultimately, such failures would reflect poorly on the government itself.

Justice will not be served with the support of every single officer. There are still corrupt individuals within the system who leak information and attempt to sabotage the process.

A Turning Point for the Underworld and Corrupt Politicians

Legal experts understand that doing this properly will take time, rather than staging shallow political spectacles.

The underworld and their political allies know that this time, things are serious.

That’s why there is chaos even among them—internal conflicts are emerging.

This is the final chapter for the deep-rooted underworld-state nexus. They know this government is going to put an end to it.

Given the circumstances, even the President must remain more vigilant than ever. The assassins have been deployed for their final battle.

Let’s be patient. Just remember—there are many things happening behind the scenes that you are not aware of.

Ravi Siriwardana


by     (2025-02-20 18:07:28)

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