
"God is not a jackpot machine" – Why did Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith say this?

-By Rita Janet Perera

(Lanka-e-News -31.Dec.2024, 9.40 PM) According to Christian teachings, the Almighty God, who created all visible and invisible things, cannot be questioned or challenged. However, Christians are entrusted with the responsibility of communicating God's divine message, which forms the foundation of societal and global values. My statement here draws on the message delivered by Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith, the Archbishop of Colombo, during the midnight Christmas Mass on December 24th at the Ja-Ela Viscoep Shrine Church.

Many Today Live Meaningless Lives

"Today, society externally celebrates Christmas with joy. However, we live lives devoid of purpose, meaning, and freedom, often causing sorrow to others and entangled in illusions. In such a society, there is no room for God. Many believe they can sustain their physical existence forever, but we soon realize this is not the case. When ailments and suffering come our way, we understand that we are not here permanently. Those living only for material pleasures experience empty lives, and that is the truth," the Cardinal explained during his sermon.

He further elaborated on how modern society values wealth, power, and social status above humanity. This has led to a system of measuring and dividing people by these self-centered standards.

God Dwells Where Love Exists

"We must always recognize the worth of every individual, regardless of their social status, wealth, or position in society. Human dignity does not depend on power, status, or strength but on the love God has for us. We must extend that love to our neighbors, share our lives with them, and provide help, compassion, and respect, especially to the underprivileged and marginalized. Material possessions are temporary, and we cannot take them with us when we leave this world. Recognizing this, we must live spiritual and material richness in balance. In Sri Lanka, everyone, irrespective of ethnicity or religion, deserves respect and recognition. This is the essence of love and mercy, and where love exists, God resides," he said.

The Cardinal's statements highlight the dangers of turning wealth accumulation into a practical "religion" in modern society.

How Difficult Is It to Enter the Kingdom of God?

This question is reflected in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 10, verses 23-27:

"Jesus looked around and said to His disciples, 'How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God.' The disciples were amazed at His words. But Jesus said again, 'Children, how hard it is to enter the Kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.' The disciples were even more amazed and said to each other, 'Who then can be saved?' Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.'"

Today, one of the most quoted Bible verses is, "With God, all things are possible." However, modern society often interprets this superficially, failing to embrace the true Christian path and instead using this statement as an excuse to pursue self-serving actions.

"God Is Not a Jackpot Machine"

On December 23rd, Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith also participated in a ceremony to inaugurate the newly built mission house at the Lourdes Shrine in Ragama. During his address, he made a parallel statement: "God is not a jackpot machine." This statement was made in response to the misuse of Christian teachings by certain individuals who exploit religious faith for personal gain.

The Cardinal criticized those who claim to be "anointed" to manipulate and divide communities, emphasizing that only those chosen by God can claim such a status. He condemned individuals who insult other religions, exploit people's faith, and deceive them with empty promises. This includes using Buddhist monks as props to mislead people, which he described as a deliberate and divisive act aimed at creating religious discord.

A Call for Genuine Christian Action

The Cardinal’s declarations underscore the importance of addressing how certain forces distort true Christian teachings. The Catholic community in Sri Lanka must urgently engage in meaningful dialogue and active efforts to reaffirm their faith and protect the integrity of their beliefs. Failure to do so could lead to a society where even God has no place, as lamented by the Cardinal.

-By Rita Janet Perera

by     (2024-12-31 16:05:53)

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