
It’s not just about the number of heads in Parliament; it must have qualitative value too..! Anura gives the first lesson to the candidates in the NPP..! (Video)

(Lanka-e-News -14.Oct.2024, 10.30 pm) “A strong power in Parliament is not just about the number of heads seated there. What kind of representation do we need? That power must be represented not only quantitatively but also by a large number of qualitative characteristics that society expects. Merely filling Parliament with people is of no use. The qualitative aspect must be shaped by you, the candidates,” said President Anura Dissanayake during his first public address after the presidential election yesterday(13).

He emphasized this during a gathering of all the parliamentary election candidates of the National People’s Power held this afternoon at Grand Monarch in Thalawathugoda.

In a profound and philosophical political discourse, the leader of the National People’s Power, President Anura Kumara Dissanayake, also said:

“In the recent presidential election, we achieved a significant victory. It was an election with intense ideological competition on the cultural front in Sri Lanka. The struggle was between the old camp, which aimed to continue the failed economic and political path, and our camp, which represented a new economic, political, and cultural journey, as well as governance and a connection with the people. Before, the competition was within the old political camp itself, about who would get more votes. But this time, the contest was about whether we continue the old way or move towards a political transformation. The people made a firm decision and brought us to victory. From the people’s side, it was a risky, yet determined, and brave step. We extend our gratitude and respect to the people who had the resolve and trust to make that decision.

During that election, the other camp clearly had money, media, and state power on their side. Even before the postal voting day, they were trying to push through proposals like salary increases. But despite that, the people placed their trust in us and voted. Although we presented a new ideology and plan, it can only become a reality with strong political leadership. It’s not a natural progression. To change the current situation, we need a powerful political leadership and mechanism. Currently, our political power is in a very small place, with a Cabinet of just three members, including the President. That is certainly not enough to make this courageous turn into a reality. Until we build a new, strong political force, our role in the Cabinet is to navigate through this transitional period.

In this transitional phase, there are things we can do, things we need to focus on, opportunities to demonstrate efficiency, and moments where patience is required. Some decisions require strong political power to be implemented. Our challenge on November 14 is to gain that political power. We must achieve the strongest power in Parliament to accelerate our plan and direct it towards transformational change.

What does the strongest power mean? In the 2010 general election, Mahinda Rajapaksa’s regime gained a two-thirds majority in Parliament. But after five years, they were defeated. In 2020, Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s regime gained a two-thirds majority in Parliament. However, even before two and a half years had passed, that power crumbled, and the President was forced to leave office. A strong power is not just the number of heads seated in Parliament. So, what kind of representation do we need? It must be a strong power represented not only by numbers but by a large number of qualitative characteristics that society expects. Merely filling Parliament with people is of no use. That qualitative aspect must be shaped by you, the candidates. The people provide the numbers, and it is you who ensure how much qualitative value those numbers represent.”

The Video footage as follows

by     (2024-10-14 17:42:34)

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