
Suspend the Illegal Blocking of Lanka-e-News in Sri Lanka..! Young Journalists Appeal to the Commission..!

(Lanka-e-News -08.Oct.2024, 10.30 pm)  The Young Journalists’ Association has sent a letter to the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, requesting them to suspend the illegal blocking of access to the Lanka-e-News website in Sri Lanka. A copy of the letter sent to Director General Bandula Herath was also forwarded to relevant officials, including President and subject minister Anura Dissanayake and Media Minister Vijitha Herath. The full letter is as follows:

Bandula Herath,
Director General,
Telecommunications Regulatory Commission.

Dear Director General,

Subject: Illegal Blocking of Access to the Lanka-e-News Website.

The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission has illegally blocked access to the Lanka-e-News website for several years, preventing Sri Lankan citizens from accessing it.

Although this block was temporarily lifted in 2015, it has been reimposed, violating not only the rights of readers but also the fundamental rights of the website’s editorial team.

We believe the main reason for this illegal block is the critical stance Lanka-e-News took against past governments. Blocking the website in response to criticism is a clear violation of fundamental rights.

When questioned during the period of this illegal block, the government stated that it was imposed due to issues with the ethical behavior of the website. However, restricting access to a website due to concerns over ethical behavior is a serious matter, and our association raised concerns at the time.

During the presidency of Mahinda Rajapaksa, the Lanka-e-News office was set on fire, and journalist Prageeth Eknaligoda, who worked there, was abducted and disappeared. The news editor of the website was also arrested on false charges, and no investigation into the arson attack on the office has been conducted to date. Faced with continuous suppression by the government, the chief editor was forced to flee the country. Expecting ethical journalism in such a repressive environment is also problematic.

Therefore, as the first step towards justice for the acts of repression carried out under past governments, the Young Journalists’ Association believes that the illegal block on the website should be immediately lifted.

Hence, we request that the illegal blocking of access to the Lanka E-News website be suspended.

Thank you.

Young Journalists’ Association

Copies to:

1.    Anura Kumara Dissanayake, President and subject minister.
2.    Vijitha Herath, Media Minister.
3.    Sampath Thuyyakontha, Secretary of the Ministry of Defense and Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission.
4.    Retired Justice L.T.B. Dehideniya, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission.

by     (2024-10-08 18:04:44)

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