
Sri Lanka claims the Guinness World Record for both the largest and smallest cabinet in the world..!

-Written by Shanta Jayaratne

(Lanka-e-News -04.Oct.2024, 8.30 pm) As Sri Lankans, we should take pride in claiming the Guinness World Record for both the largest and smallest cabinets in the world. The largest cabinet in history was appointed during the 2010-2015 government, during Mahinda Rajapaksa’s second term as President. This cabinet included 107 ministers, of which 67 were cabinet ministers, and the remaining 40 were state ministers or ministers without portfolio. Even the ministers without a portfolio received the same privileges as cabinet ministers. Rajapaksa maintained this “jumbo” cabinet until 2015 using the tax money of the citizens.

Currently, the Guinness World Record lists the cabinet of 52 ministers appointed by Mahinda Rajapaksa on November 17, 2005, as the largest in the world. However, the 2010-2015 figure will likely be included in future updates of the Guinness World Records.

The first Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, D.S. Senanayake, appointed a cabinet of 14 ministers after the country gained independence on February 4, 1948. In comparison, countries with developed economies tend to have much smaller cabinets, such as the United States (25), Japan (20), Germany (17), France (19), and Australia (23).

Recently, Ranil Wickremesinghe, who lost the presidential election, appointed a cabinet of 30 ministers, including himself, along with 40 state ministers. For the 2024 budget, Rs. 2,651 billion has been allocated for recurrent expenditure for 30 ministries, while Rs. 1,209 billion has been set aside for capital expenditure. Additionally, according to 2021 data from the Ministry of Finance, the government spends Rs. 35 million annually on allowances and expenses for each cabinet minister, and Rs. 34.8 million for each state minister. In 2021, a total of Rs. 2,590 million was spent on the cabinet. However, this amount will have likely increased due to additional allowances provided in the 2023/24 period.

Recently, the President’s Media Division released a list of 107 luxury vehicles provided to former President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s office under the cover of Article 41 (1) of the Constitution. It’s also said that many vehicles are being used by private individuals. The market value of some of the luxury vehicles provided to his senior advisors exceeds Rs. 30 million. Given all this, how many other Guinness records could past leaders claim?

The 1978 Sri Lankan Constitution’s Article 47 (4) (1) allows for the formation of national governments to justify these measures. Offering large sums of money, vehicles, positions, liquor licenses, and promises of dropping lawsuits to politicians from other parties has become a common practice. Reviewing the list of vehicles recently published reveals how many perks were given to MPs from the Pohottuwa party.

Citizens elect their representatives to Parliament for five years, but in the end, these representatives shamelessly align themselves with the ruling government. Even professionals like Professor G.L. Peiris, Dr. Seetha Arambepola, and Attorney General Jayanta Weerasinghe entered Parliament from Pohottuwa and strengthened the hands of Ranil Wickremesinghe or Sajith Premadasa without hesitation.

Additionally, Nimal Siripala de Silva (since 1989), Mahinda Amaraweera (since 2004), and Susil Premajayantha (since 2001) have held cabinet positions in every government they’ve served. Dinesh Gunawardena has been in Parliament for 41 years, Mahinda Rajapaksa for 54 years, and Ranil Wickremesinghe for 47 years. They continue to seek power by joining any party or coalition that offers it. On November 14, the people of Sri Lanka will have the chance to end this corrupt political culture.

After Anura Kumara Dissanayake was sworn in as President on September 23, his caretaker government consists of just three ministers, including himself. This too will become a Guinness World Record, as Dissanayake’s government will soon be recorded as the world’s smallest cabinet. By the 30th day of his government, the progress made has already won the praise of the people.

The current government has been dissolved. Ministers have been instructed to return their official residences and government vehicles, and their firearms have been ordered to be returned to the Ministry of Defense. The security personnel assigned to ministers have been called back to their regular duties. All allowances, salaries, and other privileges for MPs have been suspended. Have you ever seen such a move in any previous election?

During past elections, the highest number of complaints from independent observers was related to the misuse of state property. However, in the upcoming November 14 election, you won’t see or hear of such incidents.

Ranil Wickremesinghe funded his entire presidential campaign using funds allocated from the 2024 budget. He secured Rs. 8,750 million from Parliament 120 days before announcing the election, with Rs. 6,601 million allocated under his recurrent and capital expenditure headings. Additionally, Rs. 200 million was set aside for foreign travel, bringing his total funding to Rs. 15,551 million by September 21, 2024. Isn’t it the taxpayers who fund this lavish spending?

Wickremesinghe used Air Force helicopters for his campaign, violating election laws. Government media, vehicles, state employees, buildings, and other resources were all used for his campaign, but this has all now come to a halt. Isn’t this change itself enough for you?

Some provisions of the constitution and other laws prevent the removal of retired presidents’ pensions and other privileges. To amend these, a special majority in Parliament is required. The law should also be changed so that MPs who switch parties after being elected lose their seats. Constituents should have the right to recall an MP who acts against their wishes. The executive presidency should be abolished. Finally, a new democratic constitution, reflecting the aspirations of the people and protecting their rights, must be established. I hope the voters of this country will consider these matters and make the right decision on November 14.

-Shanta Jayaratne

by     (2024-10-04 15:05:40)

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