
Viral Message by Muslim Voter Insaf Idris Criticizes Muslim Political Leaders.!

(Lanka-e-News -26.Sep.2024, 11.10 pm)  A message recorded by a Muslim voter named Insaf Idris from Ratnapura is going viral, in which he sharply criticizes Muslim political leaders for being out of touch with the general Muslim population. Although Insaf studied in Sinhalese, his message resonates deeply with many in the Muslim community across Sri Lanka. In his recording, Insaf points out how Muslim political leaders often exploit religious sentiments to divide the community and serve their own interests. However, this time, the Muslim public has chosen to ignore these tactics.

According to Insaf, Muslim political leaders like Rauff Hakeem have repeatedly brought up religious elements when it suited their political agendas, using them to tarnish opponents' images. Insaf passionately urges these leaders not to involve Almighty Allah and Prophet Muhammad in their political discourse, stating that they are unworthy to invoke such sacred names for their personal gain. He suggests that religious matters should be handled by the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) or religious scholars, not by opportunistic politicians.

Insaf also reflects on the false narratives spread by some Muslim political leaders during the last presidential election. Hakeem and others, he recalls, warned the Muslim community that if the National People's Power (NPP) came to power, they would legalize prostitution, ban religious practices, and act against Muslim interests. However, these fearmongering tactics were largely ignored by the Muslim community, which continues to work closely with the Sinhalese majority. Many Muslims speak Sinhalese as their primary language and coexist peacefully with other communities, rejecting the divisive messages pushed by their political leaders.

Insaf highlights the damaging role of politicians like Hakeem, Rishad Bathiudeen, and others, accusing them of using Islam as a political tool only when it suits them. He insists that politicians have no authority to discuss matters of the Qur'an or Hadith, as they lack expertise in these sacred subjects. By bringing religious rhetoric into the political arena, these leaders not only mislead the Muslim public but also create divisions between Muslims and other communities, such as the Sinhalese and Tamils, undermining the unity of the nation.

Insaf further accuses these Muslim leaders of working with the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) to spread false narratives about the NPP during elections, using religion as a weapon. However, the Muslim public has grown wiser and now sees through these deceptive tactics. The overwhelming Muslim support for the NPP, according to Insaf, is a clear indication that the community is ready to teach a lesson to its political leaders. He predicts that in the upcoming general election, the Muslim public will continue to reject these divisive leaders and vote for the NPP, which they believe represents a more honest and inclusive future for Sri Lanka.

This viral message serves as a strong indictment of the current Muslim political leadership in Sri Lanka, reflecting a growing sentiment among voters that religion should not be used as a tool for political manipulation.

by     (2024-09-26 20:14:19)

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