
Tamils in North-East Must Support Anura Kumara: A Vision for Unity and Development..!

-By Nimalan, Tamil Political Leader

(Lanka-e-News -19.Sep.2024, 11.00 pm) The Tamils in the North-East, particularly in the Eastern Province, have long been striving for the development of their region. With support from the Tamil diaspora and potential investment from India and other international partners, there are numerous opportunities for growth, especially in sectors such as tourism, fisheries, and exports. However, for the past 76 years, and even in recent decades, traditional political parties have largely ignored the development needs of the North-East. Instead, they allowed local elites to profit from state-owned land, selling it off to their cronies. A current example is Eastern Province Governor Tondaman, who has been accused of selling off land in Galloya for personal gain.

This is precisely why the people of the North-East must turn their support to Anura Kumara Dissanayake, the leader of the National People's Power (NPP). Anura Kumara has a clear five-year plan focused on sustainable development, prioritizing the people of the North-East. Unlike traditional politicians, he does not sell off the land and resources of the people for personal profit. His vision for the region includes promoting tourism, increasing fishing activities, and developing the North-East as an export hub. This plan is not just about economic growth but about ensuring that the benefits of development go directly to the people of the region.

The late Tamil political leader, R. Sampanthan, once said that Anura Kumara is the right person to unite the Sri Lankan population under one flag. He believed that unity between the people of the North-East and the Sinhalese majority is essential for achieving sustainable development. Without this collective unity, progress will remain elusive. Now is the time for the people of the North-East to come together, work with the Sinhalese majority who are already backing Anura Kumara, and take the lead in ensuring his election in the upcoming presidential election.

Anura Kumara has spent considerable time in the North-East, meeting with the people and listening to their concerns. He understands the suffering of the people in the region just as he understands the struggles of the South. The elite political class has long sought to divide the people, but it is time to rise above these divisions and unite under a common political ground. By electing Anura Kumara, the North-East can unlock its true potential and contribute meaningfully to national development.

This election is not just about choosing a president; it is about choosing a future. The North-East has immense potential, but it needs a leader who can unite the people and drive progress. Anura Kumara Dissanayake is that leader. It is time for the Tamils of the North-East to make their voices heard and vote for a future of unity, prosperity, and development under the leadership of the NPP.

The road ahead is clear, and the people of the North-East must seize this opportunity to elect a leader who promises real change. Let us come together and vote for Anura Kumara - our hope for a better tomorrow.

-By Nimalan

by     (2024-09-19 20:07:16)

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