
Investigative Report: President Ranil Wickremesinghe's Confrontation with CID Director Shani Abeysekara Amidst Bond Scam Probe..!

-By Investigative Correspondent

(Lanka-e-News -19.Sep.2024, 11.30 pm) One of the most controversial incidents surrounding the Central Bank bond scam investigation has surfaced, involving a heated confrontation between the then Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, now President, and the former Director of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Shani Abeysekara. According to Abeysekara, during a key phase of the bond scam probe, Wickremesinghe verbally assaulted him, calling him a "donkey" and attempting to obstruct the investigation. This investigation, based on a Supreme Court report, uncovered one of the largest financial crimes in South Asia, implicating high-ranking politicians and government officials.

The Central Bank Bond Scam: Background..

The Central Bank bond scam, first exposed in 2015, is regarded as one of the most significant financial crimes in Sri Lankan history. The scam involved the fraudulent issuance of government bonds, resulting in a massive loss to the national treasury. A Supreme Court report by two judges outlined the involvement of top politicians, including then-Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and several cabinet members, in facilitating and benefiting from the fraudulent transactions. Current Opposition leader Sajith Premadasa, among other political figures, was also named as a beneficiary of the financial scheme.

Shani Abeysekara's Role and Struggles in the Investigation..

As the head of the CID, Shani Abeysekara was tasked with leading the investigation into the bond scam. He, alongside his deputy Mr. Ampawila, faced immense difficulties in progressing with the case due to continuous political interference. Abeysekara was committed to pursuing the truth, even when faced with attempts to derail the investigation from the highest levels of government.

During the investigation, Abeysekara compiled a 36-page handwritten order directing his team to investigate key transactions, including bribes paid by Mendis Liquor Company to several politicians, among them Sajith Premadasa. The investigation revealed a wide web of corruption, implicating numerous politicians, government officials, and even members of the judiciary.

Political Interference: A Call from Sujeeva Senasinghe..

One of the key figures caught in the investigation was Sujeeva Senasinghe, a senior politician in the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB). According to Abeysekara, Senasinghe personally called him during the investigation to justify a cheque he had received from Mendis Liquor Company, initially claiming it was related to a vehicle sale. When pressed, Senasinghe allegedly changed his story and requested that the investigation be halted, signaling direct attempts to interfere with the CID’s work.

Further pressure came from Ranjit Madduma Bandara, then Security Minister, who allegedly urged Abeysekara to stop the investigation, suggesting he would speak with the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to find a way to “resolve” the matter. Bandara reportedly claimed that Prime Minister Wickremesinghe would also like to speak to Abeysekara about the investigation.

The Confrontation with Ranil Wickremesinghe..

In a dramatic turn of events, Abeysekara was summoned to meet Prime Minister Wickremesinghe late at night at his Fifth Lane residence. During this meeting, Wickremesinghe is said to have expressed frustration over the CID’s investigation into the bond scam, reportedly stating that many politicians, including those from his own party, relied on funding from controversial sources, including smugglers and notorious criminals.

When Abeysekara explained that the investigation into Sujeeva Senasinghe and others involved legitimate bribes from Mendis Liquor Company, Wickremesinghe reportedly lost his temper. In a fit of rage, the Prime Minister called Abeysekara a "donkey" and threatened him, stating, “I will make you disappear.” Abeysekara, maintaining his professionalism, reminded Wickremesinghe that the investigation was a constitutional right and that no politician, including the Prime Minister, should interfere.

Despite these threats, Abeysekara stood firm, declaring that the investigation would be forwarded to the Attorney General’s office as per legal protocols. His insistence on following the law further angered Wickremesinghe, but Abeysekara refused to back down.

Shani Abeysekara’s Removal and Aftermath..

Shortly after this confrontation, Abeysekara was removed from his position as CID Director. His replacement, a former bodyguard of Mahinda Rajapaksa, took over the CID’s leadership. This move was seen as a deliberate attempt to obstruct the investigation, which had started to reveal deep-rooted corruption involving the highest levels of the Sri Lankan government.

Abeysekara’s investigation also uncovered evidence of bribes paid to politicians, government servants, and judges, further complicating the probe. In an effort to prevent further interference, key findings from the investigation were handed over to the U.S. State Department, as significant portions of the illicit funds from the bond scam had reportedly been transferred to U.S. banks and entities.

U.S. Involvement and Calls for Justice..

The involvement of the U.S. State Department in investigating the proceeds of the bond scam highlights the global reach of this financial crime. With evidence of funds being laundered through international banks, the pressure on Sri Lanka to reopen and thoroughly investigate the bond scam has grown. Abeysekara and his team have expressed hope that international scrutiny will force the Sri Lankan government to bring those involved to justice.

The Need for Judicial Independence..

Despite the immense challenges and threats, Shani Abeysekara remained committed to upholding the law. He has publicly expressed his gratitude to the Sri Lankan judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, for supporting his efforts to pursue justice. The bond scam investigation is a stark reminder of the importance of judicial independence in safeguarding the integrity of law enforcement and protecting investigators from political interference.

As the investigation unfolds and international bodies become involved, there are growing calls for the bond scam probe to be restarted in Sri Lanka. President Ranil Wickremesinghe, opposition leader Sajith Premadasa, and over 180 individuals - including politicians, police officers, and government officials - are now facing increased scrutiny. It is imperative that justice prevails, and those responsible for Sri Lanka’s largest financial crime are held accountable.

The legacy of the bond scam continues to haunt the country, and the public deserves answers. The efforts of Shani Abeysekara and his team serve as a beacon of hope in the fight against corruption, and their investigation must not be forgotten. The future of Sri Lanka's justice system depends on ensuring that political leaders, regardless of their rank, are not above the law.

-By Investigative Correspondent

by     (2024-09-19 20:00:25)

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