
Our supreme duty is not only to establish a people's government but also to safeguard it..! Here is the list of traitors..!

-By Ghoshaka Putra

(Lanka-e-News -17.Sep.2024, 11.45 pm) We have traveled a long journey, overcoming various obstacles such as criticism, repression, and threats, making significant sacrifices. We are now nearing an important junction, with signs suggesting that one crucial milestone could be achieved with the dawn of September 22.

Just like in a marathon race, the key factor for victory is not just the long distance covered so far but also finishing the short remaining distance to complete this monumental effort.

We have two primary responsibilities to make Brother Anura Kumara the President and establish a stable people's government:
1. Cast your vote to bring about a new government.
2. On September 21, not only use your vote for the Malima but also encourage everyone you know to peacefully cast their vote. The final victory depends on your valuable vote, so keep that in mind.

The awareness among the people to bring about change is extraordinary. You alone have the power to turn it into a massive people's tsunami. We, too, are witnessing these early signs along with you. If there are still friends who don’t see it, kindly explain to them and give them the opportunity to become proud participants in this historic change.

It is also crucial to be wary of the frauds and false propaganda that the defeated opposition, who are clearly in a frenzy, might resort to in the final moments. Even though they cannot fulfill them, offering promises of various benefits at the last minute is another tactic of theirs, which is now being exposed. These last-minute actions will only intensify in the coming days.

We urge you to take the lead on September 22 in creating a new era by establishing a democratic government.

*Protecting the new government*

For many who have become accustomed to underhanded tactics for decades, it will not be easy to give up power and privileges. One of the biggest challenges for the new government will be to curb their sabotage and corrupt actions, secure power through a general election, and guide state governance towards a collective, policy-driven administrative model. Until then, our greatest post-election responsibility is to protect the government and offer maximum support to those changes.

The list of possible sabotage actions could be several pages long. There may be actions both visible and invisible to us. Therefore, rather than searching for actions, we believe it is better to identify those capable of such deeds and introduce them to society. That way, the people can stay alert and prevent these actions while ensuring the government is protected. This, we believe, is our second responsibility. In every country, there are those who oppose major changes, but there is ample global evidence that their end is always sorrowful.

Let us now recognize these groups:

- The disgraceful Rajapaksa family, their descendants, and their associates
- Greedy swindler Ranil and his gang of fraudsters
- Corrupt ministers, parliamentarians, and their henchmen
- Corrupt high-ranking security and police officers, intelligence officers, and their underworld connections
- Fraudulent state officials
- The thieving business elite and tax evaders
- Biased judicial and legal officers
- Corrupt customs and revenue officers
- Shameless monks, priests, and fraudsters
- Thieving bankers
- Corrupt immigration, port, and airport officials
- Those attempting to sabotage essential services like electricity, water, and fuel
- Henchmen in foreign service and diplomatic sections
- Those disseminating false and biased information through state and private broadcasts
- The digital mud brigades
- Regional thug forces

We believe you now have a clear understanding of the challenge of protecting the people's government.

Thus, we must first make a kind request to the honest members of the security forces and police. More than anyone else, you have seen and are seeing firsthand the harmful actions they have taken and will continue to take. Do not comply with any illegal orders from them hereafter. Always make public any information about the last-minute sabotage actions you see or hear about. This will be your greatest contribution to changing the direction of the country.

For those of us living in Sri Lanka, many of the individuals associated with these groups can be identified by name. Therefore, if we are not vigilant and allow them to engage in their old practices, they will try to interfere with state affairs. Otherwise, they will likely attempt to sabotage the upcoming general election. Hence, we stress that your second duty is to stay alert and protect the people's government until it stabilizes.

Let us unite to establish and safeguard a Malima government..!

Victory to all..!

-Ghoshaka Putra

by     (2024-09-17 20:46:03)

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