
Reforming Sri Lanka's Political System: The Rise of NPP..!

(Lanka-e-News -15.Sep.2024, 10.45 pm) The National People’s Power (NPP) is emerging as a non-traditional political party in Sri Lanka, promising to reform a deeply corrupt political system. For decades, the country has been plagued by systemic issues within the political elite, where politicians have exercised control over the economy through lucrative deals, tenders, and business contracts.

1. Corruption Among the Political Elite..

In Sri Lanka, the political class has long dictated who receives business licenses and contracts, creating a system of bribery and favoritism. Politicians often allocate tenders and funds to companies they are connected to, taking a cut from each deal. This corruption has severely hindered the country’s economic development and contributed to widespread inequality. Generations of families have dominated politics, with children following their parents into the system, motivated by the immense financial gains possible through political influence.

2. The Elite Network..

Political elites operate through a network that controls tenders, projects, and policies. To enter the business world, companies must bribe these elites, perpetuating a corrupt system that benefits only the privileged few. This behavior has undermined trust in the political system and stifled opportunities for businesses to operate fairly and transparently.

3. Loss of Trust in Minority Leaders..

Minority political leaders, particularly Tamil and Muslim politicians, have lost credibility among their communities. Many of these leaders have sold their loyalty to traditional political parties in exchange for positions of power or financial gain. As a result, they are seen as commodities rather than representatives of their people. This has led to public backlash, with Tamil and Muslim leaders facing criticism from their own communities.

4. Young Voters Demand Change..

The younger generation is increasingly disillusioned with traditional politicians, who they feel have failed to deliver meaningful development in Sri Lanka. Over the years, billions were borrowed and mismanaged, leading the country to bankruptcy. Young voters now question the political elite, who live in luxury while the country suffers. They view the NPP as a solution to dismantling the corrupt system and bringing accountability to government.

5. Middle-Class Struggles..

The middle class is bearing the brunt of the political elite’s corruption. As politicians funnel money out of the economy through underhanded deals, ordinary citizens are left struggling to cover basic expenses. Rising costs and stagnant incomes mean many families can no longer afford a comfortable lifestyle, and they blame the political system for their hardships.

6. Diaspora Support for NPP..

The Sri Lankan diaspora, comprising millions of expatriates, is also rallying behind the NPP. They recognize the struggles of those back home and support efforts to bring about reform. They believe that figures like Anura Kumara, an NPP leader, can offer simple and practical solutions to Sri Lanka's problems. The diaspora hopes to end the excessive expenditures of the political elite, such as luxurious lifestyles and unnecessary government spending.

The NPP's rise signifies a growing demand for transparency, accountability, and an end to the exploitation of the Sri Lankan people by a corrupt political class. The upcoming elections may determine whether these reforms will become a reality.

by     (2024-09-15 18:28:54)

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