
Are We Handing Over Our Country to a Mentally Ill Person?

-By Dinusha Senaviratha

(Lanka-e-News -13.Sep.2024, 11.00 pm) Think for a moment… even though I say a moment, this is a revelation worth pondering a thousand times over before making a rash decision.

Are we handing over our country to a mentally ill person?

This is not about the character or personal life of Sajith Premadasa. However, since Sajith Premadasa is contesting the presidential election to become the leader of more than 22 million voters, let’s examine not the individual Sajith Premadasa, but the presidential candidate Sajith Premadasa.

This is for the future of all citizens of our country for the next five years.

It is vital that the president of the country be a person with a sound mental state. The entire development of the country depends on a mature person who can endure any pressure.

Do you remember the difficult times we faced two years ago due to emotional decisions we made in the past? Will we fall into the same pit during the day as we did at night?

Sajith Premadasa has a flying phobia...

Did you know that our current Speaker, Sajith Premadasa, suffers from flying phobia? Today, let's talk about Sajith Premadasa, who suffers from flying phobia.

What is flying phobia? Simply put, it is the fear of flying.

The last time presidential candidate Sajith Premadasa flew was eight years ago, when he traveled to Singapore.

His flying phobia is not an issue for us. However, the question arises for us, the people of this country, about how he would maintain international relations if he becomes president.

The international community will not come to Sajith Premadasa’s doorstep to maintain international relations. Will Jalani Premadasa handle his international relations, or will it be the well-known Lakshman Fonseka, aka Lucky?

Additionally, when researching Sajith Premadasa, it is revealed that he suffers from various mental disorders such as Myphobia, Monophobia, Isolophobia, and Eremophobia (specific phobias related to fear of oneself, being alone, isolation, abandonment, and neglect).

Spending about 15 days every two months...

Moreover, spending about 15 days every two months has now become a significant issue.

Shouldn’t we think a thousand times before entrusting the country to a presidential candidate like Sajith Premadasa, who suffers from such mental disorders?

The decision is yours!

-Dinusha Senaviratha

by     (2024-09-13 20:46:39)

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