
"It's Time to Turn the Page" - Anura Kumara's Message to Sri Lankan Voters..!

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -12.Sep.2024, 11.00 pm) Anura Kumara Dissanayake, leader of the National People's Power (NPP), is calling on Sri Lankans to cast their vote for his party, positioning himself as the leader capable of pulling the country out of its current crisis. He has been traveling across the island, addressing ordinary citizens and delivering a clear and urgent message: Sri Lanka is a bankrupt nation plagued by corruption, rising costs, and a collapse in law and order. His solution? A radical shift in governance, aimed at transparency, economic recovery, and equal treatment for all.

Anura promises a focus on export growth and sustainable development. He envisions a systematic, long-term approach to rebuilding the economy, reducing the cost of living, and ensuring that every Sri Lankan has access to equal opportunities. One of his central campaign points is the need to hold those accountable who looted the country, leading to its financial ruin. Anura vows to recover stolen national resources and restore trust in the government.

A key feature of Anura’s message is his commitment to simplicity and service. He pledges that under NPP rule, ministers will not enjoy luxury vehicles or government bungalows. Instead, the country will be governed by ordinary politicians who will act as public servants rather than members of an elite ruling class. This move, he argues, will ensure that the government remains humble and connected to the people it serves.

Anura asks voters to consider who truly has the vision and capability to resolve the nation’s challenges. He assures that the NPP can deliver solutions in a cost-effective manner without placing further burdens on taxpayers. He draws attention to how his team, during previous stints in government, managed their portfolios responsibly and with an understanding of the daily struggles faced by ordinary citizens.

In Anura’s vision, Sri Lankan governance will be free from tender scams, distrust, and mismanagement. The root cause of the country's dire economic situation, according to him, is the self-serving nature of previous politicians. The NPP, he says, will be different – placing the interests of the people above all else.

Anura Kumara's message is clear: he pledges to serve all Sri Lankans with integrity, focusing on public welfare over personal gain. He promises a transparent, accountable government that will work for the benefit of every citizen, not just the privileged few.

-By A Staff Writer

by     (2024-09-12 18:22:05)

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