
NPP Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake's Vision for Sri Lanka: Uplifting the Living Standards..!

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -11.Sep.2024, 7.30 pm) Anura Kumara Dissanayake, leader of the National People's Power (NPP) party, has outlined an ambitious plan to uplift the living standards of Sri Lankan citizens, focusing on cutting government waste and reinvesting savings into key sectors such as education, health, and infrastructure.

Dissanayake has been a vocal critic of the current political establishment, accusing the government of indulging in luxury at the expense of the people. He claims billions of rupees are being wasted on extravagant perks for politicians, including luxury vehicles, financial benefits, excessive security, and lavish official residences. His promise is clear: to eliminate this unnecessary spending and redirect the savings toward programs that directly benefit the people.

Among his key proposals is investing in the country's ailing education system. Dissanayake has pledged to establish professional training schools to modernize and expand resources for education, ensuring that future generations are equipped with the skills needed for a rapidly evolving job market. He also plans to revive and strengthen the National Health Service by providing more resources and improving healthcare infrastructure.

Sri Lanka’s recent economic collapse has left many civil services on the verge of dysfunction. Dissanayake has pointed to the failing passport office as a prime example, where citizens are forced to wait in lines stretching several kilometers. The NPP leader has also highlighted the struggles of young people who are unable to find affordable housing in urban areas, forcing them to relocate far from the cities. The economic downturn, which led to the closure of over 1.4 million businesses, has further exacerbated unemployment, leaving many Sri Lankans with no choice but to migrate abroad in search of work.

Dissanayake’s vision for Sri Lanka is one where the government prioritizes the needs of its citizens, particularly the most vulnerable. He aims to create a more equitable society by cutting wasteful government expenditures and reinvesting those funds in critical public services and infrastructure.

With his promises to tackle government inefficiency, improve education, expand healthcare, and address housing and employment challenges, Anura Kumara Dissanayake is positioning himself as a leader committed to delivering real change for Sri Lankans fed up with the status quo.

-By A Staff Writer)

by     (2024-09-11 14:03:48)

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