
"On one hand, I have to tell you, deep down I feel a bit happy about the JVP winning" - Says Ranil's right-hand man

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -11.Sep.2024, 6.30 pm) Recently, a well-known politician, who is Ranil's right-hand man, contacted Lanka E News London office. He has been a personal friend of Lanka E News for some time. Despite being Ranil's right-hand man, he has never faced corruption allegations.

"How are things going?" he asked.

"Nothing much, looks like Anura will win by a large margin," said Lanka E News.

"Yes, it seems like Anura will win. But our boss is coming in second. Sajith is getting fewer votes than us," Ranil's right-hand man said, acknowledging their loss.

"How much do you think Anura (JVP leader) will get?" Ranil's right-hand man asked again.

"From what we see, he will get more than the historical percentage of 62% that Chandrika got," replied Lanka E News.

"On one hand, I have to tell you, deep down I feel a bit happy about the JVP winning," Ranil's right-hand man said, surprising us.

"Why do you say that?" Lanka E News inquired.

"Well, to clean up this dirty political mess, the JVP needs to come in. Our parties could never do that. Besides, we've been in parliament for a long time. I know Anura is an intelligent man," Ranil's right-hand man said honestly.

"If you feel a bit happy about Anura winning, there's only one thing to do," said Lanka E News.

"What is that?" he asked.

"When you go to vote, go into that booth and vote for the NPP. After all, that’s something your boss would notice," said Lanka E News.

Ranil's right-hand man smiled but said nothing. The conversation went on for quite a while, but since it was not very significant, we didn't write it down.

(This is not gossip. It is a true incident.)

-By A Staff Writer)

by     (2024-09-11 13:26:56)

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