
Voters Question Traditional Sri Lankan Party's Track Record Amid Growing Concerns..!

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -10.Sep.2024, 10.15 pm) Since people keep saying that the NPP (National People’s Power) has no experience, I felt it necessary to point this out. Let’s see what kind of experience those who claim to have experience actually possess.

This is just a small portion of what I think. You might have different political views, but take a moment to reflect on the experiences listed below and think about what can be achieved with these abilities. It's surprising that people want to hand the country back to this lot.

⬇ Parliamentary Affairs

1. Having experience in drafting flawed constitutions that require more than 20 amendments yet still fail to create a suitable one for the country.
2. Experience in raising hands for any constitutional amendment.
3. Experience in defeating no-confidence motions to protect thieves, corrupt individuals, and criminals.
4. Brawling inside Parliament.
5. Acting skills – splitting into factions and publicly pretending to fight while privately enjoying each other's company.
6. Spraying chili powder during debates and attacking the opposition.
7. Snatching the Mace.
8. Interrupting and hindering opposition with shouting, banging on tables, and throwing chairs.
9. Sleeping during the most important debates.
10. Attending sessions infrequently and remaining silent when present.
11. Enjoying meals at the canteen at subsidized prices.
12. Making full use of parliamentary privileges to engage in unethical activities.
13. Experience in working without shame or fear.
14. Singing public chants like "Who is the thief... It's me the thief!"
15. Using swords – threatening and silencing MPs and ministers.
16. Laughing to oneself at jokes that aren’t funny.

⬇ Economic Affairs

1. Borrowing money at high-interest rates.
2. Taking loans to repay loans.
3. Defaulting on debt and interest payments.
4. Robbing the Central Bank in broad daylight.
5. Driving the country into bankruptcy.
6. Selling off the country's strategic economic assets for a pittance.
7. Selling public property to friends and relatives at a discount.
8. Writing off the debts of friends and associates.
9. Giving tax breaks to those friends.
10. Failing to collect taxes necessary for running the government.
11. Failing to create a simple tax system that works for the country even after nearly eight decades.
12. Protecting large-scale tax evaders – both businessmen and officials.
13. Destroying fair businesses and tax-paying entities by imposing unbearable taxes.
14. While claiming to understand the production economy, maintaining an import-based economic policy that seems to have been created after suddenly waking from a long slumber.
15. Mistakenly thinking that the economic development of a few importers becoming billionaires is real economic progress.
16. Pursuing an economic policy that benefits one’s own close friends who are importers.
17. Destroying struggling local industries with economic policies.
18. Ensuring the permanent poverty of local farmers.
19. A plan to keep the majority of the country starving.
20. Grand economic policies limited to mere words.
21. Contributing to the creation of a parasitic economy.
22. A unique vision of "economic growth" that actually involves economic regression.
23. Relying on tourism as an economic plan.
24. "Wikonomics" – living off by selling public assets.
25. Following economic fundamentalism, i.e., blind faith in the IMF/World Bank as the sole savior.

⬇ Social Welfare Activities

1. Attending all funerals.
2. Staying awake all night at funerals.
3. Providing tents, chairs, and banners.
4. Attending weddings and other ceremonies.
5. Participating in religious functions at temples, churches, and kovils.
6. Attending events for the opening of public toilets and wells.
7. Running job agencies from their own homes.
8. Providing documents for government jobs.
9. Giving small handouts to selected supporters.
10. Replacing broken light bulbs on lampposts.

⬇ Social Connections

1. Collecting protection money from local businesses.
2. Supporting smugglers.
3. Encouraging and promoting extortionists.
4. Close ties with underworld figures.
5. Supporting and promoting the underworld.
6. Providing government and private contracts to the underworld for tasks such as assassinations, abductions, intimidation, property takeovers, and trafficking of women.
7. Involvement in the import, distribution, and promotion of drugs.
8. Supporting special projects for criminals.
9. Managing a network of corrupt individuals, criminals, and drug dealers alongside the underworld.
10. Protecting these groups from police operations.

⬇ Business Management

1. Issuing bar permits to relatives.
2. Allocating fuel stations to associates.
3. Sand mining.
4. Operating stone quarries.
5. Promoting drug, ice, marijuana, and moonshine production.
6. Creating ways to impose special taxes on markets through subtle means like extortion.
7. Subjugating farmers and consumers to mafia-like market control.
8. Dividing government contracts among close family members.
9. Ensuring that government tenders are structured to benefit their own people.
10. Partnering with corrupt officials to profit from government tenders.

⬇ Political Activities

1. Switching political parties.
2. Politics based on false promises.
3. Family politics.
4. Father-to-son inheritance.
5. Nepotism.
6. Class-based politics.
7. Aristocracy.
8. Elite privileges.
9. Caste and religious discrimination.
10. Egomania – the “I know everything” mindset.
11. Undermining capable and skilled people and destroying them.
12. Deficient statecraft.
13. Immature leadership.
14. Mediocre political leadership.
15. Foolishness.
16. Ignorance.
17. Lack of accountability.
18. Backward-thinking attitudes.
19. Leadership mania.
20. Inability to follow through on responsibilities.
21. Jealous politics.
22. Deficient political policies.
23. Political apathy.
24. Zombie-like politics.
25. Failure to modernize.

⬇ Political Rights

1. Cancelling voting rights.
2. Delaying elections to create a favorable environment for themselves.
3. Abuse of executive powers.
4. Misuse of the law.
5. Disrespecting and undermining the law.
6. Bending the law by coercing and threatening officials.
7. Illegal financial manipulations and misuse of funds.
8. Massive financial wastage.
9. Lavishly spending public tax money on their election campaigns.
10. State terrorism.
11. Undermining national security, endangering it, and trying to avoid accountability while preparing the ground for it.
12. Experience in political assassinations.
13. Experience in mass political killings.
14. Experience in mid-scale political killings.
15. Experience in large-scale political killings.
16. Assassination and disappearance of journalists.
17. Killing athletes.
18. Assassination and disappearance of businessmen.
19. Restricting media freedom.
20. Pressuring, threatening, intimidating, and attacking journalists and media institutions, and even burning them down to suppress media.
21. Politically assassinating and destroying public figures and images.
22. Dividing, destroying, and fragmenting political parties.
23. Destabilizing the country’s politics, continuously engaging in struggles to achieve this, and enjoying the curse of victory.
24. Denying young leaders the right to lead by preventing their rise and clinging to power until death.

⬇ Development Affairs

1. Taking massive loans at high-interest rates for infrastructure development.
2. Investing those funds in large-scale projects that do not contribute to economic development.
3. Stealing a large portion of those funds.
4. Shall we name a few? Hambantota Port, Mattala Airport, the Conference Hall, Stadium, and Matara-Beliatta Railway, Highway System, to name a few.
5. Some of these projects were sold back to the same lenders, yet we are still repaying the loans.
6. Some have been closed down, yet maintenance costs are high.
7. Some were abandoned halfway through.
8. Good projects started with low-interest loans were abandoned, resulting in penalty payments.

Their massive economic destruction through the development process has greatly contributed to bankrupting the country.

There are many more examples to illustrate the enormous experience they have in ruining the country. Give them another chance, why don’t you?

Even someone who missed a day of school due to rain can understand

-By A Staff Writer

by     (2024-09-10 16:45:19)

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