
Why Sri Lankans Must Vote for Anura Kumara, Leader of the NPP..!

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -09.Sep.2024, 10.45 pm) For 76 years, Sri Lankans have predominantly voted for traditional political parties such as the United National Party (UNP) and Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP). Unfortunately, these parties have repeatedly failed to deliver sustained development for the country. The root of this failure lies in their inconsistent policies and their reliance on superficial solutions to deep-rooted problems. Moreover, since independence, the major political parties have used racial divisions as a tool to win elections, promising the Sinhalese majority that their language would be the only official one, which led to the marginalization of the Tamil minority. This tension eventually fueled civil conflict, further destabilizing the nation.

The traditional political parties have also fostered a culture of cronyism, filling state sector jobs with party loyalists and degrading state enterprises. Politicians have meddled in every aspect of daily life—from school admissions to employment, housing, and business permits—leading to inefficiency and widespread corruption. These issues have made Sri Lanka's economy uncompetitive and unattractive to investors, particularly due to excessive bureaucracy, where over 75 approvals are often required to start a business.

After years of economic mismanagement, culminating in national bankruptcy, Sri Lankan voters are now beginning to question the decisions that led to this downfall. Many citizens have come to realize that the traditional political parties have consistently failed to prioritize the country's long-term welfare, instead focusing on retaining power at the expense of the people's needs and aspirations, particularly the younger generation.

This realization has paved the way for a growing support base for Anura Kumara Dissanayake, leader of the National People's Power (NPP). Anura Kumara is seen as a down-to-earth leader who understands the struggles of ordinary Sri Lankans. Unlike the elites who have long controlled the country, he offers practical, common-sense solutions to real problems. His simple, straightforward communication resonates with voters who are fed up with the status quo and are seeking genuine change.

As Sri Lanka faces one of the most critical elections in its history, voters are looking for a leader who will represent their interests, understand their challenges, and bring about meaningful reform. Anura Kumara stands out as that leader. For those who want to break from the failed politics of the past and build a better future, casting a vote for the NPP is the first step toward national renewal.

-By A Staff Writer

by     (2024-09-09 18:40:29)

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