
The Sri Lankan Embassy in Washington has become a stage for Samare, Ranjani, the children of ministers, and political...!

-By A Special Correspondent

(Lanka-e-News -09.Sep.2024, 10.30 pm) Having contributed politically for decades to the economic and social disaster of the country, Mahinda Samarasinghe, who was appointed as Sri Lanka's ambassador to Washington by Ranil Rajapaksa, continues his very unprofessional and foolish actions, blinding everyone’s eyes.

In fact, there are two main figures here: Ambassador Mahinda and his unofficial assistant Ranjani.

1. When Ambassador Mahinda came to Washington, he brought along a group of associates. This group consists of Chinthana Disanayake – IT/Information Administrator, Sandali Algama – Receptionist/Clerical Assistant, and Pooja Ferdinand – Information Officer. These three were appointed purely based on political connections without following any recruitment process.

2. A few days after Mahinda arrived, Tharaka Disanayake, the son of his political ally S.B. Disanayake, arrived at the embassy as a Third Secretary, enjoying all the privileges of an ambassador. This appointment too is clearly a political one.

3. Ashoka Jayatunga, a close associate of Ranil Rajapaksa, is employed as the Media Officer. He receives his salary from Sri Lankan taxpayers while writing for the “President Ranil’s E-Column.” Other than this, he has no other role at the embassy.He has been under investigation by State Department officials for violating diplomatic immunity for engaging in political activities which are prohibited under US diplomatic code of conduct, if Ashoka found guilty, would be changed in accordance with US Federal law.

4. Indiwari, a daughter of Minister Susil Premajayantha, has recently secured a job at the embassy. She was even allowed to spend time there with her children during her school holidays.

5. Yasith Dulshan, the son of a local politician, has also been brought to Washington to work as Ambassador Mahinda's personal assistant.

*Ranjani, the White Mother:*Massage Expert, who tickles Ambassador Mahinda.

According to official documents, Ranjani Padmalatha serves as the Domestic Aide of Ambassador Mahinda, but practically, she is more like his ‘White Mother.’ Mahinda hardly eats anything that hasn’t been cooked by Ranjani. Because of this, she wields more power than just an aide, with even high-ranking embassy officials being afraid of her, which is a well-known secret.

Through Ambassador Mahinda, Ranjani first brought her son Sameera Ishan Liyanpathirana to Washington, appointing him as a Typist/Stenographer at the embassy. Before this, he had worked at the Sri Lanka Ports Authority and had no qualifications for this position.

Later, Ranjani brought her son's wife and child to Washington with the help of Ambassador Mahinda. Ironically, no other Sri Lankan employee at the embassy has been allowed to bring their spouse or children to Washington. It seems that only Ranjani's son's human rights matter to Ambassador Mahinda.

Ranjani did not stop there. She also brought in her cousin, Hiran Kosala Gunathilake, as another Typist/Stenographer at the embassy, despite doubts about his understanding of stenography.

In addition, a woman named Rukshila Rathnayake was recently brought in as an extra domestic worker by Ambassador Mahinda, though her connection to Ranjani remains unclear.

*The Gravest Tragedy:*

Since the early days, workers at the Washington Embassy have been recruited from Sri Lanka based on political connections. The writer has no strong criticism of this since no American citizen would be willing to work for the low salary the embassy pays, except for Minister Susil’s daughter. However, the fact that one family has been given such undue privileges by Ambassador Mahinda is something the poor taxpayers of Sri Lanka should be made aware of.

The gravest tragedy here is that most Sri Lankan organizations operating in Washington have fallen under the influence of Ambassador Mahinda and have remained silent about his ruthless actions. Ambassador involving criminal activities in Washington, which has become a national embarrassment for Sri Lanka.

-By A Special Correspondent

by     (2024-09-09 18:32:59)

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