
SJB Politician Dr. Harsha De Silva's Controversial VW Factory Claim Raises Doubts..!

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -01.Sep.2024, 4.30 pm) In recent developments, the credibility of Dr. Harsha De Silva, a prominent figure within the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) and its chief economic policy advisor, has come under intense scrutiny. This stems from his earlier statements during a televised interview in the past , where he confidently asserted that Volkswagen (VW) was planning to establish a vehicle manufacturing factory in Sri Lanka - a claim that has since been proven false.

During the interview, Dr. De Silva claimed to have discussed the matter with the German Ambassador to Sri Lanka, who purportedly confirmed the German government's interest in investing in the country through the establishment of a VW factory. However, when pressed for details, particularly regarding the local dealer involved in the venture, Dr. De Silva declined to provide any names, repeatedly insisting that VW had assured him of their plans.

Despite these assertions, it has now come to light that VW never approached Sri Lanka's Board of Investment (BOI) for approval, nor did they have any concrete plans to set up a factory in the country. This revelation has cast significant doubt on Dr. De Silva's credibility as an economic policy advisor, raising concerns about the accuracy and reliability of the information he presents.

Critics argue that Dr. De Silva has misled the Sri Lankan public with what they describe as a "big lie." They contend that as a key figure in the SJB, his false claims have not only damaged his personal credibility but have also brought the party's economic policies into question. The incident has sparked widespread calls for Dr. De Silva to issue a public apology to the Sri Lankan people for his misleading statements.

As the nation approaches the upcoming elections, voters are being urged to critically evaluate the trustworthiness of those they elect to represent them. The controversy surrounding Dr. Harsha De Silva serves as a reminder of the importance of holding public figures accountable for their words and actions, especially when it comes to matters as significant as the country's economic future.

-By A Staff Writer

by     (2024-09-01 11:12:40)

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