
Secret Plot to Replace SJB Secretary General Ranjith Madduma Bandara with Sujeewa Senasinghe

-By A Special Correspondent

(Lanka-e-News -21.Aug.2024, 8.30 pm) In a significant internal shake-up within the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB), confirmed reports indicate a covert plan to replace the current Secretary General, Ranjith Madduma Bandara, with Sujeewa Senasinghe. The plot is reportedly being spearheaded by Laki Fonseka, a key strategist and close ally of SJB leader Sajith Premadasa, along with Premadasa’s wife, Jalani Premadasa.

Concerns Over Loyalty and Allegiances..

Ranjith Madduma Bandara, known for his centrist views and historical connections with President Ranil Wickremesinghe, has faced growing scrutiny within the SJB. Although in different political camps, Bandara’s longstanding ties with Wickremesinghe have raised concerns among Sajith Premadasa’s inner circle. His limited visibility during SJB campaigns and the recent resignation of a close associate, MP Thalatha Athukorala, who is rumored to be aligning with President Wickremesinghe, have intensified these concerns.

The crossover of Athukorala is particularly alarming to Premadasa and his team, who suspect that Madduma Bandara might have been aware of her defection but chose to remain silent due to his undisclosed connections with the President.

Rift Within the SJB Leadership..

As dissatisfaction grows, Sajith Premadasa and his allies, especially Laki Fonseka, are seriously contemplating replacing Madduma Bandara with Sujeewa Senasinghe, a move that could signify deeper fractures within the SJB. Senasinghe, a known Premadasa loyalist, is seen as someone who could restore control and loyalty within the party leadership. However, such a replacement would likely expose broader internal rifts, signaling disunity in a party that has already seen 15 MPs defect.

Discontent Among Senior Members..

Further fueling the turmoil are reports that senior figures within the SJB, including Dr. Harsha de Silva, Kabir Hashim, and Eran Wickramaratne, are increasingly frustrated with the party’s direction and the influence wielded by Laki Fonseka. These members, reportedly disillusioned with the leadership and skeptical of Premadasa’s declining popularity, are said to be exploring a return to their former leader, President Wickremesinghe, believing that Premadasa’s chances in the upcoming election are slim.

Declining Popularity and Union Backlash..

The situation is exacerbated by recent surveys indicating that Premadasa’s popularity has dropped to 19%, a stark contrast to earlier projections. The departure of key figures like Rajitha Senaratne, coupled with growing dissatisfaction from health sector workers and unionists, highlights the challenges Premadasa faces. Many in the party fear that these setbacks, combined with the looming leadership changes, could severely impact the SJB’s performance in the upcoming election.

The ongoing developments within the SJB signal a period of uncertainty and potential realignment. As internal rifts deepen and more members consider switching allegiances, the future of the party and its leadership hangs in the balance. The rumored replacement of Ranjith Madduma Bandara with Sujeewa Senasinghe could mark a turning point, but whether it strengthens or weakens the SJB remains to be seen.

-By A Special Correspondent

by     (2024-08-21 15:04:09)

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