
Can a Leader Without O-Level Qualifications Lead Sri Lanka?

-By A Special Correspondent

(Lanka-e-News -20.Aug.2024, 10.30 pm) Sri Lankan politics is currently abuzz with questions surrounding the qualifications and capabilities of opposition leader Sajith Premadasa. Amid growing concerns, many are questioning whether someone without basic educational qualifications can effectively lead a country known for its high literacy rate.

Premadasa has repeatedly claimed to hold a degree from the prestigious London School of Economics (LSE). However, reports suggest that what he actually holds is an aggregated degree, and there are allegations that he never sat for the relevant exams. Furthermore, it is widely alleged that Premadasa failed his O-Level examinations in Sri Lanka and was unable to retake them at Royal College, Colombo, a leading school in the country.

This has raised doubts about Premadasa's credibility, especially given that Sri Lanka is known for its well-educated population. The opposition leader’s leadership style has also come under scrutiny. Critics, including senior members within his own party, have expressed reservations about his chances of winning the upcoming presidential election. However, these members continue to support him, not out of faith in his leadership but because they aim to secure seats in the next parliamentary elections.

Adding to the controversy, rumors have circulated about Premadasa’s alleged connections to actress Angela Seneviratne and an incident involving his mother, Hema Premadasa, reportedly cutting Seneviratne’s hair. These personal controversies have done little to boost public confidence in his leadership.

In a recent diplomatic blunder, Premadasa allegedly requested a $2 billion bailout from the U.S. ambassador, promising that it would be enough to fix Sri Lanka’s economic woes. The ambassador reportedly laughed at this request and walked away.

Sri Lankans take pride in their country’s high literacy rate, and many voters are now asking themselves whether someone with questionable qualifications and leadership abilities is fit to lead the nation. The accusations of corruption, especially concerning the Central Cultural Fund, and his reliance on a degree of dubious authenticity have only fueled these doubts.

As the election approaches, Sri Lankans face a critical decision: should they place their trust in a leader who, despite his promises, has been criticized for his lack of knowledge and alleged attempts to mislead the public about his qualifications?

The answer may determine the future direction of the country, as voters weigh their options and decide whether Sajith Premadasa is the leader who can truly deliver on his promises.

-By A Special Correspondent

by     (2024-08-20 17:12:24)

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