
Proposal for Police Reforms and Judicial Transparency in Sri Lanka

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -16.Aug.2024, 10.30 pm) There is a growing need for accountability and transparency within the Sri Lankan police and judiciary, especially given the rising concerns regarding extrajudicial killings, kidnappings, and illegal activities allegedly carried out under political influence. To address these issues and restore public trust, a comprehensive approach involving body cameras for police officers, video recordings in courts, and the establishment of a judicial ombudsman service is essential.

Body Cameras for Police Officers..

A mandatory requirement for police officers to wear body cameras, both on-duty and off-duty, could significantly reduce the instances of police misconduct and provide objective evidence in controversial cases. In particular, senior police officers, such as the infamous Vas Gunawardana, have been accused of acting illegally and even committing murders. Body cameras would serve as an effective deterrent against such actions and provide indisputable evidence during investigations.

The use of body cams would be especially important during public protests, strikes, and other gatherings where tensions often run high. These recordings could offer crucial insights and provide the police with a fair opportunity to present their side of the story in both media and court proceedings. Given that body cameras are relatively inexpensive, this measure would not only increase the security of law-abiding police officers but also protect them from false accusations. While a minority of police officers may be involved in misconduct, the vast majority of officers are honest and dedicated, and this reform would help differentiate them from the bad actors.

Video Recordings in Court Proceedings

To ensure transparency in the judiciary, video recordings of all court proceedings - whether in Magistrate Courts, High Courts, Family Courts, or even the Supreme Court - should be implemented and preserved for at least 10 years. This would serve several critical purposes:

1. Transparency and Accountability: Video recordings would provide a clear record of court proceedings, protecting against potential tampering with stenographic transcripts. In some cases, altered records have led to wrongful judgments due to the manipulation of witness testimonies.

2. Support for Appeals: Video evidence would be invaluable for any party seeking to appeal a case, ensuring that all aspects of the original trial are reviewed thoroughly and fairly.

3. Public Confidence in the Judiciary: The majority of judges are honorable and committed to upholding justice. By introducing video recordings, these judges can demonstrate their integrity and gain public trust.

Establishing a Judicial Ombudsman Service..

In addition to reforms within the police and court systems, the creation of a judicial ombudsman service is critical for addressing public complaints about judges and lawyers. This body would function as an independent oversight mechanism, ensuring that complaints are investigated thoroughly and impartially.

Furthermore, lawyers should be subjected to strict background checks and required to report their financial assets annually. This measure would help identify any illicit earnings or involvement in corrupt practices like money laundering. By placing lawyers under greater scrutiny, the judiciary can better combat corruption and maintain public confidence.

Implementing these reforms would mark a significant step towards eliminating corruption and improving transparency within both the police and judicial systems in Sri Lanka. By adopting body cameras, video recordings in courts, and establishing a judicial ombudsman, the country can ensure that law enforcement and the judiciary operate with integrity and that public trust is restored.

-By A Staff Writer

by     (2024-08-16 18:27:03)

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