
Change..! National Red Balloon Day at Galle Face Green on August 31st..!

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -08.Aug.2024, 11.00 pm) On August 31st, Galle Face Green will host an event unlike any other in Sri Lanka – the National Red Balloon Day. Organized by the Change team, this day aims to rally millions of Sri Lankans in a united call for genuine change in the country's political landscape. The event seeks to highlight the pressing need for a political overhaul where voters are no longer taken for granted by the entrenched political class.

Addressing a Broken Political System

Change is urging Sri Lankans to come together to demand a real transformation in their governance. The current political climate has seen politicians, rejected by voters, finding loopholes to re-enter Parliament, and even ascending to positions of power such as Ministers and President without a clear mandate from the people. This self-serving political class prioritizes their own interests over those of the taxpayers, implementing International Monetary Fund (IMF) reforms that have devastating impacts on the populace.

The Dire State of Affairs

Thousands of lives are being destroyed under the weight of these reforms, millions of households have lost power supply, and approximately three million Sri Lankans have left the country in search of employment. Meanwhile, the cost of living has skyrocketed, making daily life a struggle for many.

A Call for Credible Leadership

The Change team is advocating for voters to elect credible leadership that can rebuild the country with transparency and integrity. The focus should be on improving exports, cutting unnecessary expenditures, and protecting the poor through robust social safety nets.

Vigilance and Informed Voting

Change is calling on voters to remain vigilant and not to cast their votes based on emotions but on factual information. It is crucial to scrutinize the promises and track records of candidates, ensuring that they are capable of delivering on their commitments.

Educating the Electorate

The event will also serve as a platform to educate voters about the long-standing politicians who claim they are here to rescue the country despite having spent decades in politics with little to show for it. These politicians often prioritize their families and friends, funneling billions into white elephant projects that offer no tangible benefits to the citizenry.

Challenging Dynastic Politics

Highlighting the issue of dynastic politics, the Change team points out that one candidate is the nephew of former President J.R., and others are the sons of two ex-Presidents. In the modern age, family lineage should not determine political power. Instead, voters should support candidates with the most viable plans to improve the lives of citizens.

Join the Movement for Change

The Change team invites all Sri Lankans to join them at Galle Face Green on August 31st for National Red Balloon Day. This is an opportunity to stand together and demand accountability, transparency, and true representation in governance. By participating, citizens can send a powerful message that the time for real change is now.

-By A Staff Writer

by     (2024-08-08 18:21:33)

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