
'You are a MONSTER, Ranil' -An open letter to the 'Popular mandate-less' President of Sri Lanka..!

-By A Patriotic Citizen

(Lanka-e-News -05.Aug.2024, 10.30 pm)

Ranil Wickramasinghe,
Successor President,
Presidential Secretariat
Colombo 1.
August 5, 2024.

Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe,
I thought to write this to you after I heard that as an independent candidate you have requested the Elections Commission to give you the ‘symbol of heart’ as your election symbol.  I am sure majority of citizens are surprised and angry with that request. It is because you have no heart, no human feelings. So, I want to tell you who you truly are for this nation.

You are a Coward and Shame..

You are a shame to our land; you are the most cowardice president in our history and you are a mockery to our democracy.  You are trying to supress and assassinate justice in our land by repeatedly attacking our Judiciary, especially the Supreme Court. We want to warn you. Don’t abuse your powers. Don’t play with the law, Like, what your uncle Junius Jayawardene did by abusing his powers. Like during his time, evil actions you are taking because of your hunger for power can lead the country to another blood bath.

Mr. Wickremasinghe, you are a coward.  You are afraid of the people since you were not elected by them. Your subconscious tells you that you are not a people’s president. So, you allow the police to use now defunct and irrelevant colonial-time laws to supress people’s protests in now the Republic of Sri Lanka. In addition, you brought in new laws like Online Safety bill to suppress freedom of speech. Shame! Mr. Wickramasinghe! You do all this because you are afraid of the people. If you are brave and if you know people like you, come out. Have a free and fair election.

You won’t.

Elected by Criminals..

Because you know that you   were just selected by a deformed parliament; a parliament which had lost its mandate. You were selected by a bunch of parliamentarians who are co-looters of Rajapaksha regimes.  They did select you as the successor to the deposed president Gotabaya Rajapaksa to protect their interests; to get away from being prosecuted in a court of law for their crimes. As you rightly drew the picture quoting the “Chalk Circle”, your job was to carry those criminals safely over the suspension bridge.

So as soon as you were selected by mostly unqualified, power-hungry bunch of criminals, what did you do? You started satisfying their interests, because you were afraid of them. You are a coward. You are afraid of them. You know that if they stop supporting, you are done. So, you worship them and attack the people. Shame on You Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe.  

You are ‘Rajapaksha’..

You are disliked so much by the people so that they have even changed your last name now. You are not any more Ranil Wickramasinghe in our country.  You are “Ranil Rajapaksa”. What other insult can be more degrading, than changing one’s own family name to a name of a rogue family?  A family in which three siblings were named by the Supreme Court as ones who are responsible for leading the country to bankruptcy?  Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?

Violator of the Constitution.

Mr. Wickramasinghe, You have no popular mandate to change any laws. The sovereignty of our land rests on the people of Sri Lanka.  And people did not give you any executive powers to change laws, let alone executive powers.  The people threw you out of the parliament in the 2020 general election.  Even though you have no mandate, you got a number of people-unfriendly and oppressive laws passed in the parliament including   Online Safety bill. That bill was passed even ignoring the advice of our courts that a number of clauses in that bill are inconsistent with the Constitution of Sri Lanka. In spite of that advise you got them passed.  You are a law breaker, Mr. Wickremesinghe. You are a violator of the constitution of Sri Lanka. You must not only be impeached but also be in the jail and not in the President’s house. Shame on you Mr. President.

No Popular Mandate for Economic Reforms..

Based on the same reason, you have no mandate to take any lasting decisions or pass any laws regarding any so-called economic reforms. People have not given you that authority or power. You are just a bridging-head of state. However, you have taken a number of steps to sell national resources and national assets to local and foreign dealers for a song. Shame on you successor-president! Our future generations will curse you!

Who Taught you Law?

Shame on you Mr. Wickramasinghe, You are now attacking the branch of our state which has become people’s last solace when they are denied justice by you, your co-crooks in the parliament and so-called independent commissions, and your police headed by a human rights violator. You claim shamelessly that the executive and the parliament are not bound to accept court rulings. Are you truly a lawyer Mr. Wickramasinghe? Lawyer for 50 years? Who taught you law? You were boasting that you were an office bearer of some international democratic forum. Aren’t you an insult to that forum? You have deceived that forum too. Shame on you Ranil.

The Police Chief - A Sexual Abusar..

And, you know who you appointed as the Police chief? Deshabandu Tennakoon – a convicted human rights violator. If this happened in another country, I mean a democratic country, a law-abiding, decent, civilized country headed by a law-abiding head of state, the government prosecutor will file a criminal case against Deshabandu for what he has done. He physically abused a suspect, tortured him and then sexually assaulted that suspect. Are you proud to have a sexual abuser as the police chief? Shame on you Ranil. In fact, you appointed him as IGP violating the constitution. And even after a suspension order was given by the Supreme Court against that abuser, you are fighting to bring him back by unethical and unlawful means. Shame on you Ranil.

Harbouring Masterminds of 2019 Easter Sunday Carnage..

More than all, I want to emphasize this. Mr. Ranil Rajapaksha. You are protecting and harboring   masterminds of 2019 Easter Sunday Attack. It is clear. This attack series was carried out in the evil objective of coming to power over dead bodies. Close to 300 innocent people, including children, were killed.  This horrendous terrorist attack happened when you were the Prime Minister. Those days you played a child’s role. You swore to the nation that you were not informed. You are a liar.

OK. Let us assume you did not know it. Now as the president of the country bringing master minds of this attack to the book must have been one of your top priorities. You know everything now. All the reports are available and at your perusal. People already know the criminals. You only have to bring them to justice.

But you don’t.

Because (1) you are totally an insensitive person. You have no feelings. You don’t feel the pain of the people; the pain of the victims and all those who are fighting for justice. (2) The masterminds of these attacks are your allies. So, you want to protect them to be in power. You know pretty well that You can never win a presidential election. You are looser. So, you want to appease them so they can bring you back to power

So, instead of bringing the masterminds and co-criminals to justice you are harboring them. You are giving them protection with the public money. We know that if, through the Attorney General’s department and with the help of CID the government carries out a fair, thorough, transparent and independent investigation, thoroughly questioning people like Maithripala Sirisena, Nilantha Jayawardene, Deshabandu Tennakoon and Suresh Sallei, the mystery behind this attack would be revealed. But you won’t do it, because of above reasons.  

Instead of finding the truth and giving justice to the victims, you are trying to divide catholic hierarchy in Sri Lanka, and trying to provoke people against Bishops. Shame on you Ranil Rajapaksha.

Most Unfaithful Friend on Earth..

What is more Ranil, you are the most unfaithful friend on earth.  You can’t even be trusted as a true friend of those may trust in you. Examples?  Your close friend, Lasantha Wickrematunge was killed in the broad daylight on January 8, 2009. Bringing his assassins to the book was intentionally supressed by both Rajapaksa Regimes and the Yahapalana government. Its no secret who commanded the assassination of Lasantha Wickrematunge. And now you are even harbouring his assassins. What a traitor are you!  

So, do you think you are a human being with a heart? No, Ranil. You are a MONSTER! (Oba Makaraakshayek) You are not a human being with a heart. You show your fake muscles to the innocent people, but you tremble before true criminals of our country.

Having said all this, I challenge you.

My Challenge..

If you are not a coward, allow this presidential election to be free, fare and a transparent. Stop making it a chaos. Stopp messing up the election procedure by abusing your unmandated executive powers. If you think you are liked by the people, be a man and allow the commission and all who are involved to conduct the election free from violence and other distractions. If you are a leader and not a monster, stop meddling with the election.

But I want to warn. Easter Sunday carnage happened on April 21st. And this September 21st will be a fateful day.

Thank you.


A Patriotic Citizen

by     (2024-08-05 18:49:37)

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