
Vote Rigging Plans for Upcoming Presidential Election by Ranil Camp..!

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -28.July.2024, 12.45 pm) In a shocking revelation, sources have indicated that the Ranil camp has orchestrated plans to rig the upcoming Presidential Election. Reports suggest that fake ballot papers are being prepared under the direction of key figures within the camp, including Vajira Abeyawardhana and Dinesh Dodangoda. These individuals are said to have discussed the implementation of this fraudulent strategy with a select group of Ranil's confidants.

The scheme is set to be deployed across 19 districts, which have been strategically chosen based on the migration of 1.9 million voters overseas for employment. This demographic gap is being exploited to facilitate the introduction of fake ballots.

Further complicating the electoral landscape, sources allege that the Ranil camp intends to incite religious violence against the Catholic community as the election draws near. This move is purportedly designed to garner support from the majority Sinhalese Buddhist population. The imposition of emergency laws in response to these orchestrated riots would ostensibly grant security forces the authority to manipulate the election results under the guise of maintaining order.

A critical component of the Ranil camp's strategy involves depressing voter turnout, thereby triggering a second round of vote counting for the second preference candidates. Confidants within the camp believe that this scenario would favor Ranil, as they anticipate that a significant number of voters would designate him as their second choice.

These allegations, if proven true, pose a severe threat to the integrity of the electoral process and democratic governance. The situation warrants urgent investigation and monitoring to ensure a free and fair election.

-By A Staff Writer

by     (2024-07-28 07:30:39)

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