
Sri Lankan Cabinet Faces Contempt Charges Over Supreme Court Decision..!

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -26.July.2024, 3.40 pm) The Sri Lankan Cabinet risks facing charges of contempt of court if it is found to be deliberately delaying the appointment of a new Inspector General of Police (IGP), following a recent Supreme Court decision.

Last 24 th the Supreme Court issued an interim order preventing Deshabandu Tennakoon from continuing as the IGP until the resolution of nine Fundamental Rights petitions challenging his appointment. The Court has instructed President Ranil Wickremesinghe to appoint a new IGP while this order remains in effect.

The three-judge bench, comprising Justices Yasantha Kodagoda, Achala Wengappuli, and Mahinda Samayawardena, granted leave to proceed with the petitions filed by various stakeholders, including Cardinal His Holiness Malcolm Ranjith and the Young Journalists Association. The petitions claim Tennakoon's appointment was invalid due to a lack of legal approval from the Constituent Council.

The controversy stems from a poll among Council members where Tennakoon received four votes in favor, two against, and two abstentions. The petitioners argue that the abstentions effectively counted as votes against, making the Speaker’s use of his casting vote unconstitutional.

In response to the Supreme Court’s decision, the Cabinet of Ministers held an urgent meeting and plans to announce its stance within the next two days after thoroughly examining the legal implications.

President Wickremesinghe has attempted to retain Tennakoon by arguing that the Supreme Court’s order did not effectively vacate the IGP position, thus allowing Tennakoon to continue his duties. However, this stance is likely to face significant legal scrutiny given the Court’s clear directive to appoint a new IGP.

The unfolding situation underscores a significant tension between the executive branch and the judiciary, raising critical questions about adherence to legal procedures and the potential consequences of contempt of court for the nation's leaders.

-By A Staff Writer

by     (2024-07-26 10:20:11)

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