
Will Half-Tamil Future US Presidency of Kamala Harris Investigate the 2009 Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka?

-By A Special Correspondent

(Lanka-e-News -22.July.2024, 11.30 pm) Kamala Harris, First Asian African Vice President, Poised to Run for President in 2024

Kamala Harris, the first Asian African vice president of the United States, is set to make history again as she is selected to run in the presidential election scheduled for November 2024. If successful, Harris will become the first half-Tamil president of the United States. Her presidency is anticipated to bring a renewed focus on international human rights issues, including the long-standing grievances of the Tamil community regarding the events of 2009 in Sri Lanka.

Amnesty International and Jaffna Report Highlight Atrocities

Amnesty International's findings, corroborated by the Jaffna report, reveal a grim picture of the end of the Sri Lankan conflict in 2009. The report indicates that cornered LTTE fighters were killed after being persuaded by government forces to destroy their weapons and surrender. Eyewitness accounts from senior military officers suggest a massacre, with claims that all LTTE members left in the no-fire zone, including women and children, were executed. The researchers also raised concerns about the use of earth-moving equipment to dispose of bodies, potentially indicating an attempt to cover up the killings.

Addressing the Suffering of Tamil Women and Children

The potential presidency of Kamala Harris, herself of Tamil descent, is expected to cast a spotlight on the suffering endured by Tamil women and children during the conflict. Reports of widespread sexual violence, including the rape of hundreds of female Tamils by Sri Lankan military personnel, and the deaths of thousands of Tamil civilians in 2009, may prompt a more thorough investigation under her leadership.

Allegations of Chemical Weapons Use and Civilian Casualties

Serious allegations have been made regarding the use of chemical weapons by Sri Lankan forces, reportedly with the tacit approval of political leaders such as the Rajapaksa family and then-opposition leader Ranil Wickremesinghe. It is estimated that over 60,000 innocent civilians were killed in the last stages of the war. Vice President Harris has previously expressed her frustration over the Sri Lankan government's lack of transparency concerning these allegations.

Batalanda Torture Camps: A Dark Chapter

Kamala Harris has also voiced concerns about President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s past actions, particularly his involvement in the Batalanda torture camps. These camps, allegedly established by Wickremesinghe, were notorious for the torture and killing of innocent young men and women. The potential for Harris to take a strong stance against these past abuses could lead to increased pressure on the Sri Lankan government to address these human rights violations.

Future Accountability for Sri Lankan Leaders

The current political landscape in Sri Lanka, with Ranil Wickremesinghe and the Rajapaksa family holding significant power, could face significant challenges if Kamala Harris ascends to the US presidency. There is hope among many that Harris will leverage her position to seek justice for the atrocities committed during the Sri Lankan civil war and hold those responsible accountable.

As the world watches, Kamala Harris’s potential presidency may indeed bring a renewed focus on addressing historical injustices and promoting human rights globally. The Tamil community, in particular, will be looking to Harris to see if she will champion their cause and seek justice for the atrocities they have endured.

-By A Special Correspondent

by     (2024-07-22 21:52:51)

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