
Foreign Intelligence Uncovered Pillian’s Plan to Kill Shanakian Rasamanikkam..!

-By A Special Correspondent

(Lanka-e-News -20.July.2024, 11.50 pm) The Foreign Intelligence Service has uncovered a plot by Pillian, a supporter of President Ranil in the upcoming presidential election, to assassinate Hon. Shanakian Rasamanikkam in Batticaloa.

Rasamanikkam has been tirelessly campaigning against paramilitary groups operating with government assistance in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. These groups are reportedly backed by the Sri Lankan government. He is a staunch advocate for Tamil people's rights and has also been vocal against the corruption of the Rajapaksa family and current President Ranil Wickramasinghe.

Rasamanikkam has expressed strong opposition to granting licenses for mineral mining in the Eastern Province to various overseas companies. These companies allegedly have close ties to Pillian, who has been accused of killing several Tamil politicians and being involved in the “Easter Sunday attack.”

Additionally, Rasamanikkam has criticized the Sri Lankan government's policy on the forced cremation of Muslim bodies.

Recently, Rasamanikkam suggested that if Tamil rights are not adequately addressed, Tamil politicians should consider fielding their own presidential candidate in the upcoming elections. This stance may be the reason why President Ranil is allegedly using his proxies to silence Rasamanikkam.

-By A Special Correspondent

by     (2024-07-20 21:57:48)

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