
Imthiaz Bakeer Markar Faces Backlash Over Historical Controversies..!

-By A Special Correspondent

(Lanka-e-News -18.July.2024, 11.15 pm)  Recent discussions around the potential appointment of Imthiaz Bakeer Markar as Chairman of the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) Party have reignited historical controversies, drawing criticism from various quarters, particularly Buddhist leaders. SJB leader Sajith Premadasa's intention to elevate Markar without a thorough review of his past actions has stirred significant debate.

Controversial Stance in 1983

Imthiaz Bakeer Markar's political career has been marred by allegations of divisive actions. In 1983, he was accused of urging Muslims to boycott the inauguration ceremony of a statue dedicated to the esteemed Buddhist priest "Malewana Thero," an event hosted by former President J. R. Jayawardhana. This move was perceived as an attempt to create a rift between the Muslim and Sinhalese communities.

Despite Markar's stance, the then Beruwala Mayor, Faleel Hajiyar, encouraged Muslims to participate in the event, successfully uniting the communities and countering Markar's divisive approach. This incident is cited as an early example of Markar's alleged efforts to sow discord.

Accusations of Promoting Wahhabism

Critics argue that Markar's actions in the early 1980s laid the groundwork for the spread of Wahhabism in Beruwala. As a young politician, his influence is said to have fostered a more radical form of Islam in the region, contributing to long-term tensions.

Family's Controversial History

The Bakeer Markar family's political legacy is further complicated by allegations of corruption. Imthiaz Bakeer Markar's father faced charges related to corruption within the All Ceylon Union of Muslim League Youth Fronts, leading to his dismissal from the Speaker post by President Jayawardhana. These charges, investigated by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), continue to cast a shadow over the family's reputation.

Buddhist Leaders' Concerns

Buddhist leaders have expressed strong objections to Markar's potential appointment as SJB Chairman. They argue that his historical actions and perceived anti-Buddhist sentiments could create friction within the party and among the broader Sri Lankan populace. These leaders have urged Sajith Premadasa to reconsider his decision, warning that Markar's past could become a significant issue for the SJB.

Premadasa's Position

As the debate intensifies, Sajith Premadasa faces a challenging decision. Balancing the need for party unity with the concerns of Buddhist leaders and community members, Premadasa must carefully weigh the potential impact of Markar's appointment on the SJB's future.

The controversy surrounding Imthiaz Bakeer Markar highlights the complexities of Sri Lankan politics, where historical grievances and community relations play a crucial role.

-By A Special Correspondent

by     (2024-07-18 21:01:53)

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