
A mass grave has emerged from the port of Colombo..! The incident has been suppressed..!

(Lanka-e-News -17.July.2024, 6.15 pm) It is reported that a mass grave has been found in an excavation inside the port of Colombo.

A pillar for the construction of an air route leading to the port city is to be built inside the port of Colombo. While digging for the post, bones were found in a mass grave when digging about 6 feet. A complete skeleton has been found and more leg bones have been found. The place is close to the Port Police and the place has been a high security zone since ancient times.

The port police have been informed about the incident and the dug pit has been covered with canopies. According to reports, the port police have been instructed to close the pit and suppress the incident.

The mass grave was found on Saturday the 13th.

Many mass graves have been found in Sri Lanka, but none of them have been proper investigated and justice has not been served to the victims.

(Image is a library image)

by     (2024-07-17 13:36:53)

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