
Sri Lankan Opposition Leader Accused of Covering Up Rape at Party Office..!

-By A Staff Writer

(Lanka-e-News -16.July.2024, 11.20 PM) Sri Lankan opposition leader Sajith Premadasa and his spouse, Jalani Premadasa, are facing severe allegations of covering up a rape that reportedly took place at the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) party headquarters. The Tamil female victim was allegedly coerced into retracting her complaint, claiming instead that it was a consensual affair with a married SJB Member of Parliament.

Reports indicate that Jalani Premadasa has been actively involved in suppressing any information regarding the incident. According to sources, substantial amounts of cash were allegedly distributed to various media organizations to ensure the story remains undisclosed to the public.

The accusations of a cover-up have sparked outrage among human rights advocates. A prominent Tamil human rights lawyer criticized Sajith Premadasa for his double standards, suggesting that his actions were driven by future political ambitions rather than justice.

In response, the SJB has launched a counter-offensive, deflecting attention to President Ranil Wickremesinghe. They allege that the President has engaged in numerous illicit relationships with young men and accuse the Presidential Secretariat of being a hub for his secret activities. Additional rumors have surfaced about Ravi Karunanayake and Vajira Abeywardena, with claims of mistresses and sightings with actresses.

Furthermore, the SJB has pointed fingers at MP Rajitha Senaratne for leaking the incident. According to their claims, Senaratne discovered the accused MP in a compromising situation with the victim at the party office.

These recent developments have intensified scrutiny of Sajith Premadasa, whose father, the late President Ranasinghe Premadasa, also faced allegations of engaging in relationships with male companions, a matter that remained an open secret within the United National Party (UNP).

Women's rights organizations are vehemently protesting the opposition leader's apparent reluctance to report the crime to the police, demanding accountability and justice for the victim.

As the scandal unfolds, the political landscape in Sri Lanka is witnessing heightened tension and controversy, with allegations and counter-allegations overshadowing the quest for truth and justice.

By A Staff Writer

by     (2024-07-16 17:58:07)

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