
Tamil Diaspora Insists on Tamil Candidate for Upcoming Sri Lankan Presidential Election -from Tamil Homeland Party..!

-By A Special Reporter

(Lanka-e-News -10.July.2024, 9.20 PM) In a significant political development, leaders of the Tamil diaspora are pushing for the nomination of a Tamil candidate for the forthcoming Sri Lankan Presidential election. Their main agenda is to use the election as a referendum on the demand for a Tamil Homeland. The votes cast for the proposed Tamil candidate would symbolize a "Yes" vote for the creation of a Tamil Homeland.

The Tamil voters have grown increasingly disillusioned with the current Tamil political leaders, such as C.V. Vigneswaran and Selvam Adaikkalanathan. These leaders have been accused of negotiating with President Ranil Wickremesinghe and Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa for personal gains rather than advocating for the broader Tamil community's interests.

Nimalan Visvanathan..

Nimalan Visvanathan, the leader of the Homeland Democratic Party, has been urged by Tamil diaspora leaders to run for the Presidential election as a Tamil candidate. Two affluent Tamil businessmen have already pledged to finance his campaign, reflecting the strong support for his candidacy.

The idea of a Tamil candidate was prominently discussed during the funeral of a former Tamil National Alliance (TNA) leader, where numerous Tamil politicians gathered and emphasized the need for a strong Tamil representation in the election.

Nimalan Visvanathan, who hails from Trincomalee and has a background in both the separatist and Tamil nationalist movements, is seen as the most viable candidate to consolidate Tamil votes. He has also studied and worked in France, bringing a global perspective to his campaign.

Visvanathan is a vocal critic of Adani Group’s involvement in the North East Tamil territory and an ardent supporter of the Tamil Homeland. His stance on demanding a referendum on Tamil Eelam has resonated with many Tamils, positioning him as a fighter for Tamil rights.

Visvanathan has substantial support from various Tamil groups, including the separatist movement, the Tamil Nationalist movement, and the largest Tamil student organization. His background, having studied and worked in France, and his roots in Trincomalee, position him as a strong contender for securing Tamil votes.           

Furthermore, Nimalan is also advocating for an international investigation into the "Forced Cremation" of over 650 Muslims by the Sri Lankan government, a policy that was controversially accepted by Muslim Cabinet Minister Ali Sabry. His commitment to justice for all communities in Sri Lanka is expected to broaden his appeal.

As the campaign gains momentum, it remains to be seen how Nimalan Visvanathan's candidacy will impact the political landscape in Sri Lanka and whether it will fulfill the aspirations of the Tamil diaspora and the local Tamil community.

-By A Special Reporter

by     (2024-07-10 16:04:08)

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