
China Announces Eight Measures to Strengthen Cooperation with the Global South, including Sri Lanka...!

-By A Staff Correspondent

(Lanka-e-News -28.June.2024, 11.00 PM) At the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China announced eight significant measures to bolster cooperation with the Global South. Addressing distinguished guests and friends, President Xi emphasized the historical and contemporary importance of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in fostering international relations and supporting human progress.

Historical Context and Enduring Relevance

President Xi began his speech by reflecting on the inception of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 70 years ago. He noted that these principles—mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence—emerged in response to the global upheaval following World War II. At a time when newly independent nations sought to establish their sovereignty and develop their economies, the principles provided a framework for peaceful and cooperative international relations.

The President highlighted that these principles were first enshrined in joint statements with India and Myanmar, and later adopted at the Bandung Conference in 1955, where they influenced the Non-Aligned Movement and were recognized in key United Nations documents. Over the decades, the Five Principles have become universal norms for international conduct, contributing to global peace and development.

Contribution to International Relations and Development

President Xi outlined four major contributions of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence:

1. Setting a Benchmark for International Relations and Rule of Law: The principles align with the U.N. Charter and underscore mutuality and equality in state relations, promoting an international rule of law.

2. Guiding Relations Between Diverse Social Systems: By adhering to these principles, countries with different social systems can foster mutual trust and cooperation, offering an alternative to antagonistic mindsets.

3. Rallying Force for Developing Countries: The principles have inspired developing nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to seek cooperation and self-strength, enhancing South-South and North-South relations.

4. Reforming International Order: The principles challenge power politics and advocate for a more just and equitable international order, opposing imperialism and hegemony.

A Vision for a Shared Future

The President connected the enduring relevance of the Five Principles to China’s contemporary vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind. This vision emphasizes equality, mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence among nations, rooted in traditional Chinese values and the diplomatic tenets of the Communist Party of China.

China’s vision aligns with the global trend toward peace, development, cooperation, and win-win outcomes. President Xi called for countries to uphold the common values of humanity, promote inclusive global governance, and work together on initiatives such as the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative.

The Eight Measures

To support Global South cooperation, President Xi announced eight measures:

1. Global South Research Center: Establish a research center dedicated to the Global South to facilitate collaborative research and development.

2. Scholarships: Provide 1,000 scholarships under the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Scholarship of Excellence to students from Global South countries.

3. Training Opportunities: Offer 100,000 training opportunities over the next five years to citizens of Global South countries to enhance their skills and knowledge.

4. Youth Leaders Program: Launch a program aimed at cultivating young leaders from the Global South, promoting leadership and innovation.

5. Utilize Funds: Continue utilizing the China-U.N. Peace and Development Fund, the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, and the Climate Change South-South Cooperation Fund to support development projects.

6. Tripartite Center of Excellence: Collaborate with interested parties to establish a center of excellence for implementing the Global Development Initiative.

7. Agricultural Development Support: Renew the China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility and contribute an additional US$10 million for agricultural development in the Global South.

8. Free Trade and Economic Cooperation: Discuss free trade arrangements with more Global South countries, support the WTO’s Aid for Trade initiative, and renew contributions to the WTO’s China Program. Additionally, welcome more Global South countries to join the Initiative on International Trade and Economic Cooperation Framework for Digital Economy and Green Development, with an expectation to import over US$8 trillion from developing countries by 2030.

China’s Commitment to Peaceful Development

President Xi reiterated China’s unwavering commitment to the path of peaceful development, friendship, and cooperation with all nations. He emphasized that China’s rise as a global power would not follow the paths of colonialism or hegemony but would contribute positively to global peace and development.

A Call for Unity and Cooperation

In concluding his address, President Xi called on all nations to enhance unity, cooperation, communication, and understanding to meet global challenges and create a better future. He urged the Global South to play a leading role in building a community with a shared future for mankind, emphasizing peace, development, and inclusive growth.

The conference concluded with a reaffirmation of the enduring relevance of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and China’s commitment to fostering global cooperation and development. The measures announced by President Xi are expected to significantly enhance the collaborative efforts between China and the Global South, contributing to a more equitable and prosperous world.

China’s Eight Measures and the Belt and Road Initiative: Catalyzing Sri Lanka’s Economic Growth and Regional Influence

China's recent announcement of eight measures to support Global South cooperation, coupled with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), presents significant opportunities for Sri Lanka to uplift its economy and emerge as a regional player in South Asia. Here’s how these initiatives can impact Sri Lanka:

1. Establishment of a Global South Research Center The creation of a Global South research center will facilitate collaborative research and innovation between China and Sri Lanka. This center can focus on areas critical to Sri Lanka’s development such as sustainable agriculture, climate change mitigation, and marine resources management. The research output can guide policy-making and attract international funding for development projects, boosting Sri Lanka’s economic resilience and sustainability.

2. Provision of 1,000 Scholarships and 100,000 Training Opportunities These educational initiatives will significantly enhance the skills and knowledge base of the Sri Lankan workforce. Scholarships and training programs in fields such as engineering, information technology, and environmental science will produce a highly skilled labor force capable of driving innovation and economic growth. Furthermore, these opportunities can foster closer ties between Chinese and Sri Lankan institutions, leading to joint ventures and collaborations in various sectors.

3. Launch of a Global South Youth Leaders Program By participating in the Global South Youth Leaders Program, Sri Lankan youth will gain exposure to international best practices in leadership and governance. This program will empower young leaders with the skills needed to implement effective policies and drive socio-economic progress. Additionally, it can create a network of future leaders committed to strengthening bilateral relations and regional cooperation.

4. Utilization of China-U.N. and Global Development Funds Leveraging these funds will enable Sri Lanka to undertake critical infrastructure projects, such as upgrading transportation networks, improving water and sanitation facilities, and developing renewable energy sources. These projects will create jobs, enhance productivity, and attract foreign investment, driving economic growth. The funds can also support social programs aimed at poverty reduction and improving healthcare and education.

5. Establishment of a Tripartite Center of Excellence A center of excellence for implementing the Global Development Initiative will provide a platform for Sri Lanka to collaborate on innovative solutions to development challenges. This center can offer technical assistance and capacity-building programs in areas such as urban planning, disaster management, and technological innovation. By sharing best practices and resources, Sri Lanka can accelerate its development trajectory and enhance its regional influence.

6. Renewal of the China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility An additional US$10 million contribution to support agricultural development will have a transformative impact on Sri Lanka’s agriculture sector. Investments in modern farming techniques, irrigation systems, and crop diversification will increase agricultural productivity and food security. By enhancing its agricultural output, Sri Lanka can reduce its dependence on imports, boost exports, and improve rural livelihoods.

7. Discussion of Free Trade Arrangements and Support for WTO Initiatives Engaging in free trade arrangements with China and other Global South countries will open new markets for Sri Lankan products, enhancing trade volumes and economic growth. Participation in the WTO’s Aid for Trade initiative will help Sri Lanka integrate more effectively into the global economy by improving its trade infrastructure and regulatory environment. These measures will position Sri Lanka as a key trading hub in South Asia.

8. Initiative on International Trade and Economic Cooperation Framework for Digital Economy and Green Development Joining this initiative will enable Sri Lanka to develop its digital economy and promote green development. Investments in digital infrastructure, such as broadband connectivity and smart cities, will drive innovation and create new business opportunities. Emphasizing green development will attract investments in renewable energy, sustainable tourism, and eco-friendly industries, contributing to long-term economic sustainability.

Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) The BRI, with its focus on infrastructure development, trade connectivity, and cultural exchanges, complements these eight measures and can further uplift the Sri Lankan economy:

* Infrastructure Development: The BRI has already led to significant investments in Sri Lanka, including the Hambantota Port and Colombo Port City projects. These developments enhance Sri Lanka’s strategic position as a maritime hub, facilitating increased trade and investment.

* Trade and Investment: Improved infrastructure will attract more foreign direct investment (FDI) and boost trade volumes. Enhanced connectivity with regional and global markets will make Sri Lanka a preferred destination for businesses looking to access South Asian markets.

* Tourism and Cultural Exchange: The BRI promotes cultural exchanges and tourism, which can lead to increased tourist arrivals in Sri Lanka. Developing tourism infrastructure and marketing Sri Lanka’s rich cultural heritage can generate substantial revenue and create jobs.

Regional Influence and Strategic Positioning By leveraging these Chinese initiatives, Sri Lanka can strengthen its regional influence in several ways:

* Economic Hub: Enhanced infrastructure and trade connectivity will position Sri Lanka as an economic hub in South Asia, attracting businesses and investors from around the world.

* Diplomatic Engagement: Participation in regional and global initiatives will enable Sri Lanka to play a more active role in diplomatic affairs, promoting regional stability and cooperation.

* Innovation and Leadership: By investing in education, research, and technological development, Sri Lanka can become a center of innovation and a leader in addressing regional challenges such as climate change and sustainable development.

China’s eight measures to strengthen cooperation with the Global South and the Belt and Road Initiative present transformative opportunities for Sri Lanka. By strategically leveraging these initiatives, Sri Lanka can boost its economic growth, enhance its regional influence, and position itself as a key player in South Asia. With a focus on infrastructure development, trade, education, and sustainable development, these measures can pave the way for a prosperous and influential future for Sri Lanka.

-By A Staff Correspondent

by     (2024-06-28 18:36:50)

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