
Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Ali Sabry: Allegations of Concealing Facts Behind Compulsory Cremation..!

-By A Staff Correspondent

(Lanka-e-News -27.June.2024, 11.00 PM) Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Ali Sabry has come under fire for his controversial remarks made during a Parliamentary debate, suggesting that a leading non-Muslim religious leader expressed happiness over the cremation of Muslim bodies. Sabry's comments have been seen as an attempt to cover up the issues surrounding the government's compulsory cremation policy, without disclosing the identity of the said religious leader to the Muslim community.

In his statement, Sabry deflected responsibility onto the then Health Secretary, Dr. Anil Jayasinghe, who enforced the cremation policy. Critics argue that if Sabry, a Cabinet member at the time, truly believed in Islamic principles, he should have resigned in protest against the anti-Islamic stance of the government, which they claim was a vendetta against Muslims for not supporting Gotabaya Rajapaksa in his election.

Sabry recounted meeting with technical committee members Dr. Channa Perera and Dr. Meththika Vitanage, along with eight Muslim MPs including Hon Tawfeek, facilitated by then Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarrachi. The purpose was to seek approval for burial instead of cremation. However, Sabry described the meeting as a pre-planned farce orchestrated by Derana Media to downplay the government's anti-Islamic policies. He criticized the absurdity of a Cabinet Minister seeking burial rights from junior civil servants.

Furthermore, Sabry mentioned Dr. Meththika Vitanage's claim that the COVID-19 virus could remain in dead bodies for 100 years and contaminate groundwater, despite no scientific evidence supporting this. Critics highlight Sabry's failure to question these dubious claims, and accuse him of not defending the scientific community, particularly Professor Jennifer Perera, who faced unwarranted criticism from hardline Buddhist monks on Derana network. Government Minister Dilum Amunugama dismissed expert opinions, asserting that the government would decide burial versus cremation policy.

World-renowned virologists have argued that burial of COVID-19 victims is safe, but the government's stance remains unchanged.

Parliamentarian Hon Mujibur Rahman criticized Sabry for misleading Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan during his visit to Colombo by falsely claiming that Gotabaya Rajapaksa had approved burial for Muslim bodies. Rahman questioned Sabry's credibility, accusing him of using his position for political favors and loyalty to Rajapaksa.

The controversy surrounding Ali Sabry's statements and actions continues to spark outrage and debate, raising questions about transparency, religious freedom, and the government's handling of the pandemic's aftermath in Sri Lanka.

-By A Staff Correspondent

by     (2024-06-27 18:16:56)

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