
Sri Lankan Muslim Body Demands Inquiry and Compensation for Forced Cremation Policy..!

-By A Special Correspondent

(Lanka-e-News -09.May.2024, 9.00 PM) All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU), the religious regulatory body of Sri Lankan Muslims, is vehemently calling for the establishment of a Presidential Commission to probe the introduction of forced cremation against the Muslim community in Sri Lanka. Since March 2020, Muslims, who traditionally bury their dead, have been subjected to this policy, prompting outrage and demands for justice.

The controversy escalated when a gazette notification issued in April 2020 mandated the cremation of all those who died from Covid-19, citing concerns about potential groundwater contamination. However, this reasoning has been widely contested as baseless, with no scientific evidence supporting such claims.

Dr. Anil Jasinghe, Director General of Health Services, disclosed that Lt. Gen. Shavendra Silva, Head of the Corona Prevention Unit, was responsible for the decision to cremate Muslim bodies, despite international condemnation. This decision sparked criticism from within the Muslim community, including a prominent Muslim Cabinet Minister who sought clarification from a renowned counter-terrorism expert on the discrepancy between Islamic beliefs and the government's mandate.

ACJU is now contemplating issuing a Fatwa against Foreign Minister Ali Sabry, who remained in his Cabinet position and supported the forced cremation policy. This stance has drawn sharp criticism from ACJU, which views it as a betrayal of religious principles for political gain. Such a Fatwa, if issued, would serve as a stark warning to all Sri Lankan Muslim politicians who prioritize political expediency over religious convictions.

Furthermore, ACJU is advocating for compensation for the victims of forced cremation, recognizing the psychological and emotional trauma inflicted upon families and the broader Muslim community. The demand for accountability and restitution underscores the deep-seated grievances arising from the implementation of this controversial policy.

The call for a Presidential Commission, coupled with the threat of a Fatwa against complicit politicians and the push for compensation, reflects the determination of ACJU to seek justice for the Muslim community in Sri Lanka. It highlights the need for a thorough investigation into the motives behind the forced cremation policy and the recognition of the rights and beliefs of minority groups in the country.

ACJU's Fatwa Threat: Foreign Minister Ali Sabry's Political Future Hangs in the Balance..

The All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) has thrown down the gauntlet, signaling a potentially seismic shift in the political landscape of Sri Lanka. With their threat to issue a Fatwa against Foreign Minister Ali Sabry, the government faces the prospect of a significant upheaval that could reverberate across the corridors of power.

Foreign Minister Ali Sabry's tenure has been marked by controversy, particularly his stance on the forced cremation issue that has inflamed tensions within the Muslim community. ACJU's threat to issue a Fatwa against him underscores the depth of discontent and disillusionment among Sri Lankan Muslims regarding his actions.

The ramifications of such a Fatwa are far-reaching. In a country where religious authority carries considerable weight, ACJU's pronouncement could effectively serve as a verdict of political condemnation against Foreign Minister Ali Sabry. The implications extend beyond mere censure, potentially spelling the end of his tenure as Foreign Minister and jeopardizing his parliamentary seat.

The government finds itself at a crossroads, forced to navigate the delicate balance between political expediency and religious legitimacy. Ignoring ACJU's Fatwa could risk further alienating the Muslim electorate, already disillusioned by perceived betrayals of their community's interests. On the other hand, capitulating to ACJU's demands could embolden religious institutions to wield disproportionate influence over political decision-making.

Foreign Minister Ali Sabry's fate hangs precariously in the balance. Should ACJU follow through on its threat, the government may have no choice but to sack him from his ministerial post, lest it face a groundswell of opposition from within its own ranks and from the broader Muslim community.

Moreover, the loss of his parliamentary seat would not only deprive the government of a key figure but also signal a seismic shift in the political landscape, potentially reshaping the dynamics of power within the legislature.

In conclusion, ACJU's Fatwa threat against Foreign Minister Ali Sabry represents a watershed moment in Sri Lanka's political history. The government's response to this challenge will not only determine the fate of one individual but also reflect its commitment to upholding the principles of religious freedom and minority rights in the country. As the clock ticks down, all eyes are on Colombo, awaiting the government's next move in this high-stakes political drama.

ACJU's Ultimatum: Investigate Forced Cremation or Lose Muslim Support in Presidential Elections..

President Ranil faces a crucial decision as the upcoming Presidential election looms large on the horizon in Sri Lanka. With the Muslim vote holding significant sway in the electoral landscape, the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) has issued a clear ultimatum: investigate forced cremation or risk losing Muslim support at the ballot box.

As the political chessboard takes shape, it's evident that President Ranil's electoral fortunes hinge heavily on securing the backing of the Muslim community. Recognizing this pivotal role, ACJU has made it abundantly clear that their support will not come without concessions.

The demand is straightforward: President Ranil must heed ACJU's call to establish a Presidential Commission to investigate the contentious issue of forced cremation, which has caused profound distress and anguish within the Muslim populace. Failure to address this issue would signal a disregard for the concerns and grievances of the Muslim community, potentially alienating a crucial voting bloc.

The calculus is simple: to win Muslim votes, President Ranil must demonstrate a genuine commitment to addressing the issues that matter most to the community. ACJU's request for a thorough investigation into forced cremation is not merely a symbolic gesture but a tangible manifestation of the community's demand for justice and accountability.

However, should President Ranil choose to ignore ACJU's plea, he risks facing the wrath of Muslim voters at the polls. Just as the Catholic community in Sri Lanka has shown its capacity to mobilize and influence electoral outcomes, so too can the Muslim electorate wield its collective power to effect change.

The implications are clear: President Ranil's electoral prospects are intrinsically linked to his responsiveness to the concerns of the Muslim community. In a democracy where every vote counts, disregarding the voices of any significant constituency carries profound consequences.

The ball is in President Ranil's court. The choice is stark: heed ACJU's call for justice and accountability regarding forced cremation, or face the prospect of losing crucial Muslim support in the upcoming Presidential election. The decision President Ranil makes in the coming days will not only shape the electoral landscape but also reflect the values of inclusivity and respect for minority rights in Sri Lanka's democratic framework.

-By A Special Correspondent

by     (2024-05-09 15:32:59)

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