(Lanka-e-News- 03.May.2020,8.00AM) A continuous hacker attack was propelled at Lanka e News on the 30th of April and broke its webpage. However latest updates were found at our official facebook page. An artificial traffic was generated to the website by the hackers than an average number of visits to the site. However the site is being restored. The missing news from the 30th of April would be uploaded gradually. We deeply regret for the inconvenience caused by this to our readers.
We also extend our sincere thanks to all those who continued to inquire after the collapse of Lanka-e-News, and to all who came forward to support. Despite any hackers who work for money of the dictarors can block Lanka e news which has sacrificed lives and properties for the last 15 years amid many obstacles, let us unequivocally note that the media phenomenon, inspired by the pure conscience and the commitment of its comrades and colleagues, can never be defeated.
Let us wish all success
by (2020-05-03 03:14:25)
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