(Lanka-e-News -31.May.2017, 9.30AM) While the terrorist monk Galagoda Athe Gnanassara is committing sacrilege wearing the saffron robe , and is on the prowl like blood thirsty Dracula after human blood , the other Buddhist monks during this critical period of disaster struck Sri Lanka are doing their utmost to help the victims of the destruction . (Photographs depict) . Gnanassara despite being a saffron robed monk ,on the other hand like the Dracula has gone into hiding after doing all the damage.
What is even more repugnant and repulsive is ,this Gnanassara the devil incarnate even while being in hiding has said in a live interview with another extremist newspaper ‘Divaina’ that , ‘ if I want to , I can create an anarchic situation in this country within an hour’. This devilish abominable statement has been made by this robed monk at a time when the country is ravaged and torn apart by natural disasters which have claimed hundreds of lives , and while all other monks are coming forward to assist the people during this national crisis.
The terrorist blood thirsty monk who has already disgraced the sacred robe and his own religion by his misbehavior and hooliganism , indulged in this braggadocio like an underworld criminal during the discussion with Sirimanne Ratnasekera at a secret venue.
It is most unfortunate in this country which boasts of over 2500 years of Buddhism there is nobody to ask this shameless underworld criminal monk who is day in and day insulting Lord Buddha and his teachings , ‘are you there to stoke violence and bloodshed ? and disrobe him in public , in which case that individual will be performing a great meritorious act in the name of Buddhism. The true Buddhists must feel ashamed at the contemptible conduct of Gnanassara.
Mad monk Gnanassara who is conducting himself as an underworld leader must appear in court on the 31 st in the case in which he is charged with committing contempt of court . On the last court date he hid himself after notifying the court he was sick . It is no less a person than the Homagama magistrate who had charged that Gnanassara committed contempt of court.
by (2017-05-31 03:56:52)
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This filthy bastard must be sripped and burnt alive an absolute disgrace even to Buddhism
funny all the interlectual buddhist personnel are keeping quiet wnen this paraya opens his mouth
looks a like a fully grown chimpansy
-- by sunil on 2017-05-31
Why is the government shielding Gandasara the rapist, womaniser, drunkard, murderer, racist. Hang this Gandasara bastard by his neck or balls until pronounced dead. Maybe, DealDasa another racist is safeguarding the bastard with guidance from MY3 and RAN3 ??
-- by namal rajafucksha on 2017-05-31
This monk (Man) is a rogue and disgrace to the Buddhist people in Sri Lanka. He should not be given a drop of water or a plate of meal at his last minute of his life. We made to understand he is wearing trousers in the night and visiting night clubs. The Government should take action against him.
-- by Namal Coorey on 2017-06-01