
90 cases in cold storage at AG’s dept. after CID and FCID had duly handed over the files years ago after concluding its investigations !

(Lanka-e-News 25.May.2017, 10.30AM)   Believe it or not ! 90 cases are  still in cold storage  at AG’s dept. after CID and FCID had duly handed over the files years ago  after concluding  its investigations !
Though Ripley’s ‘ Believe it or not’ book may have such stories , since this story relates to the AG’s department (which is the  apex legal Institution of the  government ! ) , and revolves around the    neglect of its  inescapable duties  for the performance of which the department  exists , even Ripley if he is living would have been shocked to death.
While the people are mounting grave charges against the good governance government that it is not meting out punishment to the crooks , corrupt and murderers of the corrupt nefarious decade , 90 files have already been duly handed over to the Attorney General Department (AG Dept) by the CID and FCID after the conclusion of investigations . However according to information reaching Lanka e news , the AG’s department is dilly dallying with it for the last several months. 

The two main crimes investigated  among them are :
The disappearance of vehicles taken by Sajin Vaas Gunawardena from the presidential secretariat . Even today those vehicles have not been found.

The colossal frauds committed by Priyath Bandu Wickrema the ex chairman of Ports . These two investigations were conducted by the CID, and the files have been sent to the AG’s department to file cases . Believe it or not , so far the AG’s department has not filed cases even after one and half years have elapsed since the files were sent to the department .

The other 88 cases were investigated by the FCID , and the relevant files too were handed over to the AG’s department to file cases. Mind you it is over a year since some of these files were handed over. Yet AG’s department  had still neglected to take action.
When the new AG Jayantha Jayasuriya was appointed , everyone nursed high hopes that he without kowtowing to political pressures would discharge his duties duly , independently and will respect the laws.  But under the circumstances with all these exposures , it is doubtful whether the public will continue to repose that faith in him  any longer.

It is only he can prove he is dependable, reliable and  trustworthy . No one else can prove that on his behalf. 

by     (2017-05-25 05:21:43)

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Now we do not respect men with Moustach
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