I would like to ask Dr Padeniya as to what he did when Kotalawela Defence College was authorized to begin a medical degree program from zero during the previous regime. It is well known that due to fear for his and that of family's life he kept his mouth shut but waited until Yahapalana government came to power and restored the democratic rights of the masses which were suppressed until 8 January 2015 including the White Van culture . It was only thereafter all these protests and demonstrations were begun. I would challenge Dr Padeniya to publish even one single letter he addressed the then government protesting the establishment of the medical college at KDA. If I may recall it was granted permission to begin medical degree courses almost overnight. No fuss because of fear of White Van.
Hundreds of children who are unable to gain admission to medical faculties in Sri Lanka go to several countries like India, Nepal, China ( where there are hundreds of medical degree awarding universities)Malaysia, Bangladesh and East European countries which is eroding countries' foreign exchange reserves . Once these students complete their degrees they return to the country and sit for the SLMC prescribed examination and become fully fledged medical doctors upon passing the examination
I would like to appeal to the GMOA as well as IUSF and all others to change their approach and attitude towards students and the medical degrees awarded by SAITAM and instead welcome them to their fold and work as true Sri Lankan family of doctors to provide an efficient service to the suffering poor masses and assist to further develop this institution to be able attract more foreign students so that country too would benefit.
Now that the Court of Appeal has instructed the SLMC to recognize the degrees awarded by SAITAM let's resolve the issues right here and move forward in the best interest of the country sans personal and political agendas
By A.H.M. Farook
<span 34,="" 34);="" font-family:arial,sans-serif;="" font-size:12.8px"="">Ex SRI LANKAN SENIOR UN STAFFER
by (2017-02-04 13:07:05)
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My dear Farook
the court ruled it is legal but it ddnt say it is of good standard. judiciary does not have the knowhow to assses the quality of medical education.
the SLMC gave there recommendation on the degree but health minister did not act on it. he has the ultimate say unfortunately.
he neglected his duty to the health of the people of this country.reasons are obvious to any right thinking unbiased mind. you are telling doctors having personal and political agendas. are you blind or do you not want to see the obvious.
A countries right to maintain quality health care has been betrayed by a few who wants there children to be so called doctors. these people can and will seek medical care abroad at your and my expense whilesubjecting the majority of poor people to suffer at unqualified half bread "doctors". health care is the only thing that we have to be proud of and count on in this country. evry thing else is falling apart. economy is down development is non existant and corruption has hit a record high. now we are loosing the health as well. and you mr Farook is telling us about national interest!! My foot
-- by sumedha on 2017-02-03
This is not a problem faced by only Dr Padeniya or the GMOA. Hundreds of governmental and non governmental groups including professionals. trade unions and the general public have realised that licensing unqualified doctors to practice in Sri Lanka is a crime. The fight is against recognition of an unaccredited medical school with sub-standard facilities which does not provide adequate clinical or community based training for financial and political gain. Do not be a party to this crime. If you have no conflicts of interest, and do not understand the gravity of the situation, keep your mouth shut.
-- by citizen 1 on 2017-02-04
I think that KDA Medical degrees also should be banned since most of the graduates have failed to undergo a reasonable entry process. I know that some of the graduates who entered KDA have very low level of equivalent HSC marks obtained by some overseas countries like Australia. They would have never entered an Australian University with that marks. Also some of the graduates who entered KDA may be not Srlankan citizens. It is UNFAIR. It better to cancel the Medical Degrees from KDA also, not only SAITM.
-- by Dr.Kamal on 2017-02-06
I read the article and responses of others with enthusiasm. One of the doctor’s view is that not only the medical degrees from SAITM, even the medical degrees from Kotalawela Defence Academy (KDA) too should be cancelled since most of the graduates have failed to undergo a reasonable entry process.
Another says, this is not a problem faced by only Dr. Padeniya or the GMOA but hundreds of governmental, non-governmental groups including professionals, trade unions and the general public have realised that licensing unqualified doctors to practice in Sri Lanka is a crime. We should add the JVP activists as well into this group who are protesting against SAITM.
I would like to ask all these people who are now protesting against SAITM, where were all of you when the Rajapaksas authorised SAITM. Were you hiding inside your mothers underskirt. All of you jolly well knew that this is going to be a substandard medical faculty and you should have taken to streets at that time, not after the bomb exploded.
What you’ll should do now is to show the legislators the list of students that have entered SAITM with “A Level” results lower that the acceptable entry level with names and examination results and influence the government to force SAITM to improve on the sub-standard facilities if any, and provide adequate clinical training for the students.
We need constructive criticism. Don’t try to gain a political mileage.
-- by Saman on 2017-02-07