
Justice minister and his secretary contradict each other : Wijedasa’s boorish conduct shakes judiciary to its foundation !

(Lanka-e-News -30.Dec.2016, 7.20PM) The minister of justice taking the side of two accused who are on bail in cases in which they have been granted bail taking no account of the court directives , and the minister justifying those actions has been frowned upon by  the legal circles  , and is being reckoned, by the senior legal luminaries as demeaning and undermining the courts 

The minister of justice Wijeyadasa Rajapakse who met the two robed extremist monks Ampitiye Sumane and Galagoda Aththe Gnanassara Theras at Mangalarama , Batticaloa where Ampitiye Sumana Thera resides , on 23 rd December , had after falling at their feet released a press release justifying the hooliganism and violence of these two monks . This irresponsible conduct of a most responsible minister of justice (acting like a minister of travesty of justice)  has incurred the displeasure and disillusionment of the legal luminaries and the judicial sphere.

Sumana and Gnanassara are two hooligan monks who  tore the court order and threw them away, and are out on bail. Therefore they  are not acquitted  , and are still accused in the cases heard in the courts against them . Unbelievably , it is these two monks who are a disgrace to the Buddha Sasana and desecrating the saffron robes worn by them who were paid homage to by the minister of justice (or its travesty?) when he went to Batticaloa to fall at their feet , and justify their rowdy conduct. 

The behavior of the minister is all the more reprehensible because , despite being the minister of justice and therefore one who ought to respect judicial values and institutions has instead acted most boorishly and outrageously  in a manner that runs counter to the instructions contained in the  letter written by  the secretary  to the ministry of justice . 

Ampitiye Sumana recently in a devilish rage  despite being a monk in saffron robes scolded the grama sevaka of Batticaloa , a government officer in filthy language . He insulted and angrily said ‘ you are a Tiger’ in public while using the foulest  words. 

In this connection , the secretary to the minister of justice has sent a letter to the Attorney General inquiring why no legal action is being taken against Sumana Thera . Besides , even while the police have filed action against this culprit , the minister of justice instead of holding aloft the judicial values , law and order of the country  as a most responsible minister has by  visiting Sumana Thera and falling at his feet justified the hooliganism, most  vituperative abuses  and criminal conduct of Sumana Thera.

Consequently , the entire judiciary including the legal circles and the judicial sphere are most rudely shocked over this boorish conduct of the minister , let alone dismayed and disillusioned. Moreover the minister of justice (or minister of  travesty of justice?) has directly brought pressure to bear on the magistrates who are hearing the cases of Sumana  and Gnanassara  the accused. Though the minister may say to save face ,because he is  minister of Buddha Sasana also , he met these two culprits  ,he cannot escape from the grave criminality he has committed owing to his wrongful conduct thereby  demeaning and undermining the entire judicial sphere  

A legal luminary residing in Britain speaking to Lanka e news said , if the minister of justice has gone and met the criminals who are on bail , he must tender his resignation the very following  day. This minister rubbing his muzzle  on the ground before them when  meeting  the culprits after going there for personal reasons ;  and his efforts to secure an abortive Interpol warrant against LeN editor alone are enough reasons for the minister to resign honorably if any honor is still remaining in him. 

Poor minister in spite of being the minister of justice has only betrayed his ignorance of the basic principle  of the law that  nobody is above the law including himself even if he wears the saffron robe (for hypocritical or deceitful reasons). 

by     (2016-12-30 14:07:58)

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