
Patients seeking hospital admission be wary -Padeniyas who betray fledgling doctors on the prowl !

(Lanka-e-News -16.Dec.2016, 11.00PM)  This a story revolving around  the brainwashing by ‘Padeniyas’ and the weakness of the administration .It is a pity that the students of all the medical faculties in Sri Lanka fall prey to the Doctor Mafia of Padeniyas from the beginning of their medical studies .

To the medical students he  is ‘Padeniya Sir.’ Though they address him as  sir, many of these students do not know to say what syllabus he teaches and follows . During the GMOA elections , the students do all the sordid biddings of Padeniyas from publishing posters , releasing videos of Padeniyas in the face book to counting of the votes. This is because the ‘disciples’ are brainwashed systematically and insidiously  by the Padeniyas.

At the end of  the medical course  of every medical student he /she has to undergo an internship. This is the most difficult period  of the lives of  these students which  consumes  their whole  time even without a weekend vacation or a holiday  .18 hours of the day they have to remain in the wards , and every other day they have  to spend their night in the ward. This is a period when the students have to face all the trials including getting scolded from  senior doctors, enduring   nurses’ indifference etc. In fact this period of suffering is almost life  in hell to these students.
The lodging facilities , food , transport and even basic security of these doctors who are appointed as interns are neglected by the hospital administration  . It is the fairer sex among the interns who face the greatest hardships. They are denied even the basic labor law rights   . Yet  these are lapses which have been ignored by self seeking  selfish Padeniyas  over a long period and not   over a period of a day or two.

In the wards , often it is just a single male or female intern (doctor) who does  the ward rounds  in the night. The other ‘big’ doctors and registrars do not even visit, and a novice  who has no experience has to shoulder the entire responsibility in respect of the patients. Even what duties a  registrar has to discharge  in those wards are  all looked after by the intern or novice  alias H.O. 

Very often we have heard of patients dying  when their illness takes a turn for the worse because of the inept  medical treatment given by inexperienced H.Os. It is an open secret among doctors that during the early internship of the doctors , that is every year ,in November , December and January , the death rate of patients in hospitals is on the increase  .The main reason for this is the medical  treatment  given by inexperienced doctors. Though this does not apply to all hospitals , it  is because  the administration  and management of the patients is not adequate . This lapse  directly puts in peril the lives of the patients. 

The Padeniyas who parade as heroes promoting  trade union  rights are deaf and blind to all these lapses like newly  born kittens .  Padeniyas after fastening all these responsibilities on the new doctors , wash their hands of those tasks so much so they are not only deaf and blind but also heartless. Some doctors who cannot adjust  themselves to face these acute  sufferings have  even contemplated suicide , while the ignoble Padeniyas are behaving like brutes and beasts but  professing to be  practitioners of the noble profession.  This deplorable situation in hospitals with reports of patients dying due to medical misadventures is now a matter of routine for the doctors. For three days prior to the appointment of interns , what the heartless Padeniyas do is deliver ‘ sermons’ to the interns  while unendingly insisting that ‘ you too must suffer the tribulations we faced.’ This is their  warped mentality. No wonder the new doctors owing to the uncivilized  conduct and heartless nature of Padeniyas , decide to leave the country having got   disgusted of government hospitals. 

This is a most pathetic situation of which the sole architect are the Padeniyas.
The Padeniyas  who belong to a most noble profession  should be ashamed to demand perks and privileges from the government while at the same time  placing the lives of innocent  patients in jeopardy , when  it is their paramount duty to take measures to rectify  the weaknesses and faults of the senior doctors who are members of Padeniya’s association .  

The Padeniyas must accept the blame fully for making the profession in which doctors who were treated like deities to degenerate to this  level . The doctors who were most respected and revered  are  now incurring   the wrath of the people.
We therefore urge every senior doctor of Padeniya’s association, if they are truly acting in the best interests of their ‘disciples’  to cast aside their political agendas which are  courting disaster , and get to the virtuous track as honest dedicated  doctors and set an example .

By a group of fledgling patriotic doctors 

by     (2016-12-16 18:51:12)

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