
IGP ‘s double crossing games..! If this Koloma (eccentric clown) continues government has to discontinue…

(Lanka-e-News - 09.Nov.2016, 9.15PM) IGP Poojitha Jayasundara is engaging in vicious ‘double crossing games’  in order to undermine and humiliate the government , based on information supported by copious and cogent evidence reaching Lanka e news inside information division. 

This is borne testimony to by the fact that while the president and the prime Minister despite the criticisms they are facing have repeatedly and unequivocally declared they would not stifle or intimidate the media ( ‘the media is attacking me even when  I have fallen down. Then when I am erect too  they don’t spare me from their criticism . Yet I shall protect the media freedom’ president said recently ) ,the IGP on the other hand is acting to the contrary by attempting to throttle and intimidate the media that is criticizing him. 

The police that went to  question the friend of Lanka e news regarding a letter that was forwarded to the bank concerning the banking activities of Lanka e news had said , it has to interrogate him in connection with Lanka e news  in spite of the fact  , there was no  complaint made nor a court order obtained to necessitate such an  interrogation. The friend of Lanka e news was abroad at that time in connection with his business activities  , and those who arrived have frightened the employees .  When Lanka e news probed into this , it was discovered that this group which went to inquire about Lanka e news comprised of officers of the SIU ( special investigation unit) directly responsible only to the IGP. 

To the consternation of all,  Lanka e news subsequently discovered  that neither the defense minister , that is the president of the country nor the minister of law and order of the country Sagala Ratnayake in charge of the police had been  aware of such a group .

When the IGP was questioned on  this , he pretended that he knew nothing about it , while  giving  instructions to request the editor to phone him , thereby spilling the beans . Lanka e news views this episode as a conspiracy hatched by the IGP to humiliate and undermine the government while it is also  an underhand  tactic to threaten and intimidate the media which are justifiably criticizing him. 

The second ‘double crossing game’ played by the IGP is most intriguing and interesting , which Lanka e news has named it  as IGP koloma ( IGP’s  clownish eccentricity) ….

The IGP has  these days given instructions to tap the phone calls of his own senior DIGs, DIGs , Directors in charge of divisions and several journalists .

It is to be noted , in this connection , neither the security council nor any other authority has given any instructions to IGP Poojitha to engage in this activity . The State intelligence service (SIS) has also not given a report that such an action should be taken. Usually tapping of phone calls should be carried out only on the directives  of the State intelligence service (SIS) along with a court order. Hence , this high handed action taken by Poojitha is to enable him to learn who are criticizing him - another  ‘IGP Koloma’ of Poojitha the eccentric clown. Not enough the damage he is doing , Poojitha through the media coolies who are his cronies is slinging mud  at the DIG’s he dislikes and  against whom he has a grudge.

In addition ,targeting the DIGs who are his enemies he maligns them  sending spurious e mails via the social media. Most recently , such an e mail was sent targeting the central province DIG Lalith Jayasundara .When Lanka e news probed into such a report we received ,our inside information division was able to detect that these are being carried out by a group operating under Poojitha. The most portentous element in this sly activity by an IGP of all people is , the DIGs across the Island who fall victims to this ‘sordid game’ could conclude that these are being carried out with the knowledge and consent of the government . The evil and dangerous consequence that can follow is ,  these DIGs can bear a grudge and turn resentful  against the government   This is another  calculated ‘double crossing  game.’ of Poojitha.

The third ‘double crossing game’ of Poojitha …
This relates to the twin murder of the Jaffna University students .  

While the IGP knew fully well that the police engaged in shooting in that incident , he along  with  DIG  Ajith Rohana the chief of the legal division deliberately sought to suppress the crime. On the night of the murders , both of them spent their time hatching a conspiracy, to make the crime look a vehicle accident , while preparing documents and records accordingly.

Finally , on the following day , when the president was with  the opposition leader in Trincomalee it came to light it was a police shooting incident. It is only after the president ordered that a special police investigation be launched into it ,the IGP along with Ajith Rohana changed back  the  records after destroying the bogus documents which they had  prepared  throughout the night to camouflage the police shooting to look a vehicle  accident.  What Poojitha told the public was , if the police had not suppressed this initially , the people would not have become restive. But the fact of the matter is that suppression  was done with Poojitha’s  consent and knowledge. Consequently , the government was subjected to grave embarrassment and humiliation  from which it has still not been able to overcome. 

The next double game of Poojitha…

The tear gas attack and assault  launched on the disabled officers of the forces day before yesterday. When  these protestors staged a fast for four to five days in the Fort prior to that, the  police should  have known the extremist hooligans of the Ravana Balaya were extending support to them .

The IGP should have been aware when  a  fast is staged , what is the next step these protestors are going to take , by deploying his  police sleuths . This is the common  practice. Hence , he should have known ahead this enraged  violent group will next arrive at  the presidential secretariat  ,and it was  his primary responsibility to forestall that by taking appropriate action. 

If Poojitha had taken timely appropriate action against the fasting protestors  instead of wasting his time on tapping the phone calls of the DIGs , this incident could have been brought under control with least effort without allowing it to escalate into the alarming proportions it did . Sadly , owing to his preoccupation with his  ‘double crossing games,’ it is the government that had to face the embarrassment . His excuse that he was not in the Island is unacceptable in this modern era when communication is most advanced . He cannot exculpate himself of the blame therefore.
The destruction  Poojitha is wreaking on the country through his ‘double crossing game’ has been illustrated by these grave aforementioned incidents among the many others . In a subsequent report  we shall reveal the rest including how he  is misusing his IGP position.

During the last presidential elections , Poojitha Jayasundara was the DIG in charge of the North. It was the same Poojitha who descended to the lowest level , and turned ‘Koojitha’ to secretly distribute arrack bottles free among the poor people of the North, sent in lorries by Mahinda Rajapakse to induce the poor people  to vote for Mahinda . Although this may seem a secret , it is no secret as far as Lanka e news is concerned. We shall adduce evidence in this connection shortly. 

To be continued....

By a special reporter of Lanka e news inside information division

Translated by Jeff

by     (2016-11-09 16:20:33)

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