(Lanka-e-News -02.June.2016, 8.20 AM) It is well to recall even before bail was granted yesterday to the fraudster Udaya Gammanpila, Lanka e news reported that the equally fraudulent Supreme court (SC) judge Upali Abeyratne of the pro MaRa team was making announcements of the verdict even before the Fundamental rights petition of Gammanpila was heard . As we revealed so it happened today , when Gammanpila and Sydney Jayasinghe were enlarged on bail when the case was called up .
Gammanpila was released on a cash bail of Rs. 25,000.00 and three surety bails of Rs. 500,000.00 each while Sydney Jayasinghe was released on a cash bail of Rs.15000.00 and two surety bails of Rs. 500,000.00 each. The passports of the two accused were also impounded and their foreign travel were barred.
Meanwhile one of our readers has sent in details regarding Abeyratne’s ‘bandicoot’ activities. According to that revelation , three judges of the SC have delivered a verdict earlier on to dismiss Abeyratne from his judicial post. The letter along with the full disclosure are hereunder.
Dear Sir,
Thank you very much for writing about Upali Aberatne
Actually his appointment to Supreme court should have been null and void for the mere reason that President Rajapakse appointed him as the twelfth judge at the time of the appointment.
We are taken by surprise by the fact that nobody took it up even when a new president came in.
1. After an inquiry 3 supreme court judges ruled that he be dismissed from the service. (He was a district judge then)
2. To Judicial Service Commission an Appeal was forwarded on his behalf and Fize Mustafa represented Aberatne and too mild Chief Justice GPS De Silva decided to transfer him to Monaragala with a demotion instead of dismissal.
3. When Sarth Silva became the CJ the demotion was set aside and he was later appointed to High Court and Colombo station was given. When RAVAYA questioned continuously how a newly promoted judge was given a Colombo station Sarat Silva was forced to transfer him to Kegalle.
We came to know little bit of his dirty history thanks to Mr. Victor Iven
We are at a loss to understand as to why Victor Iven who fought his battle single handedly did not take any action about his own excersices for justice after Sarat Silva retired.
Thank you
by (2016-07-03 03:09:42)
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That's why we need Foreign Judges in our Country
-- by Trevor Lord on 2016-07-04