
Mahinda –Gota conspiracy to murder Sashindra via vehicle accident exposed

(Lanka-e-News -19.Nov.2014, 7.45PM) Lanka e news inside information division has been able to delve into the depth of a plot that has been hatched by the murderous Rajapakse brothers - President Mahinda Rajapakse and defense secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse to murder Sashindra Rajapakse, the son of Chamal Rajapakse their elder brother. This cold blooded murder is then to be portrayed by the murderous brothers as a conspiracy by traitorous forces against the Rajapakses, in order to exploit it for the Presidential election campaign .

With the JHU breaking away from the government on the birthday (November 18 th) of Medamulana MaRa yesterday auguring ill for the regime , in order to suppress the tidal wave of opposition and resentment that have built up against the Rajapakses, and to avert a large section of the government and SLFP leaders deserting the Rajapakse government tomorrow , a diabolically calculated plot had been hatched to demonstrate to the country that there is a traitorous force stalking the Rajapakses . It is to be claimed that Uva chief Minister Sashindra Rajapakse a blood relative of the Rajapakses had a most narrow escape in a fatal accident while three security officers of his died in it with a view to gaining cheap most selfish political mileage.

May we recall Lanka e news in its previous reports had already exposed the plans and plots of the Rajapakse murderers to commit murders via vehicular accidents to achieve political goals. (read- SLFP vs Rajapakses: SLFP team of leaders warn its Ministers, MPs to safeguard their lives from Rajapakse regime -Lanka-e-News- 03.Sep.2014, 11.55PM - https://www.facebook.com/lankaenews/photos/pb.219430344788805.-2207520000.1416350235./774780002587167/?type=3&src=https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10521758_774780002587167_5626437256065966434_n.jpg?oh=71bdc8ad420e422b94fe275bae2291de&oe=551DE877&__gda__=1423080911_152cfae10d5d46cd2498497d1126dc57&size=800,818&fbid=774780002587167)

Hereunder is the plot that went wrong this morning.

Usually when a VIP is provided with security the VIP does not travel in the vehicle that leads the contingent . It is the security vehicle that leads , and the provincial council chief Minister (VIP) travels in the second vehicle. If there is a second security vehicle , the latter trails the VIP’s vehicle.

Yesterday (18) ,in the early hours of the morning at about 1.15a.m. near the 237/5 culvert at Mahagodayaya Buttala , the Uva chief Minister Sashindra Rajapakse’s main security vehicle bearing No. WP KS 2435 met with an accident. This vehicle had earlier been belonging to the Ministerial security division (MSD) , and during the Uva PC elections it was given over to the Presidential security division (PSD) to be used for the security of Sashindra Rajapakse.

Though the circumstances surrounding this accident is obscure , and that has not been recorded in any of the police registers, residents say ,a huge truck that was parked near a tea kiosk collided with this security vehicle.

Consequently , the security vehicle had veered off the road and suffered severe damage. Sashindra’s chief security officer SI R.U. D. Ranjith Abeywickrema ,police sergeant (56219) Rajapakse Pathiralage Duminda Upamal and his personal security personnel Ranatunge Suraweera Arachilage Indika Chaturanga residing at Buttala, Kataragama had died on the spot following the accident.

The driver of the vehicle , police sergeant (34649) Abeysekera Arachilage Upul Shantha had just escaped death , and is now being treated at the intensive care unit of Moneragala Sirigala hospital. He is in a critical condition.

The most perplexing and startling feature of this fatal accident is , although the residents say , there was a truck at the scene of the accident and it collided , the police had neither taken such a truck into custody, nor has it made such a record.

Based on the records of ASP D.M. Thilakaratne this vehicle was following the vehicle in which Sashindra was travelling, and it has travelled at a speed of about 100 kilometers per hour according to police records. No other security vehicle had accompanied them, and only two vehicles had travelled. Sashindra has traveled in one vehicle , while the security detail had travelled in the other.

It is usual that the security contingent travels in front and not behind the chief Minister’s vehicle. If the vehicle that is travelling in front at 100 km.p.h. speed meets with an accident it is impossible for the vehicle following it to escape from the accident .Based on police investigations this vehicle involved had been trailing the VIP’s vehicle. According to reports reaching Lanka e news inside information division , usually Sashindra travels behind the security contingent , but yesterday in the early hours of the morning he had travelled with the security vehicle following.

The murderers have knocked the vehicle following assuming that Sashindra will be in the second vehicle. Unfortunately for the murderers , they had missed the target , and killed his security personnel. As the truck had collided on the left side of the vehicle where the VIP was expected to be seated , the driver on the right side had also escaped death.

Lanka e news inside information division reports that Mahinda Rajapakse who is in utter desperation at present in the midst of his own rank and file turning bitterly against him, as opposed to his initial hope that the Presidential elections will earn him a facile victory is in a delirious and demented state with defeat ominously staring in his face .He is hence possessed by the evil obsession to win elections by fair or foul means and is resorting to murderous activities and is even prepared to sacrifice the life of his own blood brother’s son at the altar of selfish self seeking political goals, and avert election defeat. It is the consensus this is obviously a Mahinda – Gota ruthless plan .

These suspicions have been further heightened following the Rajapakse regime’s instructions to all the media not to report this accident.


by     (2014-11-19 14:42:16)

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