(Lanka-e-News -26.Jan.2016, 8.30PM) The FCID (Financial crimes investigation division) that was established to reinforce the police force following the victory of the rainbow revolution last year, which was in fact the outcome of the monumental efforts and the sacrifices made by the people for government of good governance, is to be closed down consequent upon a conspiracy hatched by president Maithripala while prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe is out of the country, based on reports reaching Lanka e news, which Lanka e news reveals this news taking full responsibility
This move of the president is driven by his objective to rescue Basil Rajapakse against whom there are heinous charges , and against whom already action has been filed by the FCID. By dismantling the FCID , the aim is to rescue Basil , and thereby halt the formation of another party that will split the SLFP , as well as to reinforce his own powers within the SLFP
It is Basil who had been totally opposed to a reconciliation when efforts were made to unite with the Rajapakse’s group of the SLFP. Hence in order to pacify and placate Basil , it is the hope of Maithripala to disband the FCID , and establish unity with the Rajapakse’s ‘Alibaba’ group of ‘rogues on behalf of rogues’
While P.M. was in Switzerland to attend the world economic forum which is full of promise and potential for the country’s progress and the new government’s vibrant economic policies ,the president has sent a letter secretly without the knowledge of any minister , to the Attorney General’s department inquiring whether the FCID is a valid legal entity. The worst part of these conspiratorial moves is , while an AG has still not been appointed officially , and after the former AG Yuvanjana had gone on retirement , the president has made this inquiry from Suhada Gamlath , the acting AG who is a notorious lickspittle and lackey of the Rajapakses , with a view to secure an answer that could favor president’s secretive obnoxious and villainous moves. The entire country knows Gamlath is a shameless stooge of Rajapakses created out of the spinal bone of Basil Rajapakse.
The present conspiracy is designed to dismantle FCID when Gamlath decides that the FCID is illegal ,. But if there is a public outcry against that action , in order to quell such protests , the crime investigation division at Wellawatte police is to be ‘decorated and glorified’ to take the place of the present FCID, and give it a new ‘birth’
It is a Maithripala Sirisena’s Polonnaruwa village mongoose style plot. In other words , in order to resurrect the moribund people rejected corrupt SLFP, what Maithripala is going to do is sacrifice the FCID that was created to fulfil nation’s hopes and aspirations of a clean and good governance, after putting all the racketerers and fraudsters behind bars.
Following the overthrow of the Medamulana Mahinda Rajapakse regime that was opposed to Maithripala Sirisena ,the FCID was established to trap all the wheeler dealers , fraudsters and racketeers who flourished under the previous regime. However when the FCID was preparing to investigate the outrageous robbery of David Paynter’s paintings by Kili Maharaja , the scenario changed and turned antagonistic against the FCID .
Maithripala Sirisena who intervened to save the culprit Kili Maharaja then , scolded DIG Ravi Waidyalankara in charge of the FCID in foul language .From that point of time , every priority was given and every effort was made to dismiss Waidyalankara from the FCID, and now , it is being conspired to completely close down the FCID.
At this juncture ,the majority of the people who are pro government of good governance must be awake and alert , and be ready all the time to take the appropriate measures at the right time to combat effectively such dastardly moves . The time is also opportune for the Polonnaruwa village buffoons to clearly understand ,the masses for good governance did not appoint Maithripala Sirisena or the government to extricate the brutal Rajapakses from their corrupt , criminal , crooked and perfidious involvements and incriminations.
by (2016-01-26 16:50:15)
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President Sirisena we elected you as President to catch the culprits who robbed our country and put them behind bars.Why are you not doing that?please forget about your party the SLFP crooks .Think of our country!
-- by jsy on 2016-01-26