
Avant Garde chief under death threat from Navy chief ! - Complaint lodged with Mirihana police.

(Lanka-e-News -01.Dec.2016, 10.00AM) A team operated by Navy Commander Ravindra C. Wijegunawardena has made threats to the life of Avant Garde chief Nissanka Senadhipathy . The latter has lodged a complaint to this effect with the Mirihana police last evening.

Two unidentified suspicious individuals had been loitering about the office of Senadhipathy on a motor bike and spying from last morning  .These two suspects who were wearing full face helmets had later on  been going around the house of Senadhipathy on the same motorbike .When inquiries were made, homes of several officers too of Maritime Co. had been spied upon similarly , and the motorboke No . is BAG  6093 according to the video recordings made by the employees.

When Senadhipathy made a complaint to the police last evening , following invetsigations by the police it has come to light that the motorbike No. BAG 6093 has been registered with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles Department (RMV) under the name of the Navy Commander. Further investigations have revealed that this motorbike belongs to the intelligence division under the Navy Commander .

The Avant Garde Maritime  Co. belonging to Nissanka Senadhipathy was handed over to the Navy after the present Navy Commander said the Navy  can look after its affairs , and on the recommendations made to the president. However the Navy could not live up to the expectations and was a failure . The Navy could not collect the amount of revenue when it conducted the operations which Avant Garde collected . Besides the Navy could not provide employment to the 6700 workers who were left high and dry. 

Subsequently the Navy said , these operations are to be handed over to two companies , one in Malaysia and the other is Singapore. With this revelation the lid on the myth that the acquisition of Avant Garde by the Navy was a patriotic move was blown sky high, and the motives and machinations came to light .

It is well to recall at this juncture that during the Rajapakse reign , the Navy committed a number of abductions and murders , investigations have revealed by now. Moreover several Navy officers are in custody.

Meanwhile , six security personnel of Hirunika Premachandra , Colombo district M.P. have been remanded over an attempted abduction of a youth in a defender jeep  belonging to her.

by     (2016-01-01 04:37:10)

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  1 discussion on this news

It is only in Silly Lanka that Forces Commanders maintain secret intelligence staff - rowdies - for underhand tasks. Will the new Govt. analyse this aspect, as matters spill over to Democratic norms of good governance.
-- by pun on 2016-01-01

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